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                                                                           ¬   Scene I  ¬

I squinted at the textbook infront of me trying to grasp some meaning from the swirling equations on the paper. The chemistry teacher had given us a practice question, he had explained how to solve it yesterday. Dammit, I think I got it yesterday but its like one those things you think you know but when you actually get around doing them, you screw it up.

I fucking hate science.

The teacher finally realized I was having some trouble and came over and helped me out. I tried solving it again.

" 966 Kilo-Joules " I screamed at nobody when I finally calculated it. The entire class looked at me suspiciously because of course everybody had calculated the answer but me. Oh well. Atleast I got it right in the end.

" It's actually 543 Kilo-Joules. " The chemistry teacher told me in a curt tone. I groaned. 

" Well, close enough. " Zara said from behind me and then burst into laughter.

" How is that close? " I grumbled into my hands. I'm so done with these stupid scientific calculators. Complicated things make me sad.

" Atleast you got the unit right. " Dela cooed into my ear from the left. I once again groaned and pushed her off me. 

Zara and Dela were my kinda-friends. Kinda Friends are classified into those people you eat lunch with just so you won't be called a loner and those people that you follow on instagram just to keep that lunch seat. Yeah, they're bearable but total assholes. The most attention seeking girls of the school. And I'm not bitchin' on my girls, they ain't my girls to start with. Zara and Dela have to be the 'Party' girls in the list of High-Schoolers. Me being the girl that tags along to fit in, yes, I actually try being normal. But lately, I'm hating it. Its getting boring and confusing and maybe and just maybe, a little lonely.

" Dela, I've planned a surprise for you today. You and Riva have to meet at the local park at 6 , ok ? " Zara told us excitedly. Dela looked at Zara suspiciously because A) Zara hates the local park and B) If this is a way to help Dela get over her breakup with Adrian then the day is definitely not going to end well. 

" Why do I have to go ? " I whined.

" Because, Riva. Because. " Zara said annoyingly.

" Class is dismissed but don't leave, Physics starts in five. " The chemistry teacher told us and then left the room. Oh great.  Once again,

I fucking hate science.


                                                                       ¬   Scene II   ¬ 

Meanwhile, millions of lightyears away in the land of Narnia , a scene unfolds in the Throne Room. King Peter~ The Magnificent, King Edmund~ The Just, Queen Susan~ The Gentle and Queen Lucy~ The Valient are all seated and are listening to the messenger telling them an important message.

" The villagers of the West Woods have requested you to look into this matter, your majesties. They say they have found a Pond with unbelievable powers. They call it ' The pond of confessions '. It is called so because even the strongest of villagers have confessed their darkest insecurities in the dominance of the powers of this pond. They ask you to come and inspect. " The messenger concluded.

" Ed, did you know about this? " Peter asked Edmund.

" No, I haven't been around to giving my rounds in the West Woods for a week now, because of some people. " Edmund said looking pointedly at Susan. Susan turned red instantly out of guilt. She shouldn't have forced Edmund to stay at Cair Paraval the whole week because of the Grand Ball. All the important people were there including the Telmarine generals and she couldn't have let Edmund slip away. The Grand Ball lasted for a whole week and finally all the guests had left yesterday.

" We'll be coming around tomorrow. You are dismissed. Have a safe journey back. " Peter dismissed the messenger with a smile.

When the messenger left Peter called Glenstorm into the room. They discussed the preparations for the trip the next day. After all was decided Peter announced it to his siblings. Edmund nodded curtly while Lucy and Susan sagged in their thrones. They were tired after the ball and just wanted to spend the next day relaxing. 

Grumpy and tired, the monarchs made their ways to their chambers. They were not at all aware of what was about to happen. But then again, who is ?

Author's Note: 

#Edited version of prologue 

Hello sweeties ( not a doctor who refrence at all ) , I just wanted to say that if you like this story please vote and fan. I love hearing your opinions ! So comment too ! I'd love that ! Also, from now on the story will go on in Riva's POV which btw was the first scene. Bye now ! 


P.s : The picture on the side is Cair Paraval, the castle where The Pevensies rule. 


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