Whispers In The Dawn

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" Land Ho ! " 

We heard a distant cry from the ship which was quickly nearing the Island we were on. We all were standing by the shore, awaiting the ship and staring agape at the giant water vehicle. Peter's mood was suddenly very cheery and he whispered something about a Glenstorm to Edmund who agreed with him gladly.

" Its our ship. Glenstorm, the second in command after Peter and Edmund, must've went out looking for us because I recognize this ship, we've sailed in it various times to make trade with other nations. " Susan told me. 

" Wait, does this mean we're actually in Narnia?" I asked.

" YES ! We're back. We're back, we're back, we're back. By Aslan's mane, we're back. " Lucy screamed loud enough to startle the birds from nearby trees. I chuckled openly with Edmund at her ridiculousness. She was so cute.She should never grow older. I'm sure she'd be an amazing mother someday but I can't imagine her ever growing old or being an adult. Her childish ways convey her personality. I'd love to meet the 8 year old Lucy that discovered Narnia back in England. The one child that no body believed in.I can relate to her.

" Look, they're almost here." Edmund told me. " Can I have my shirt back? "  he said again and gave me a cheesy grin.

" No playing around with the sleeves. " I warned him before I took it off and handed it to him. He quickly slipped it on and rolled the sleeves all the way up to his elbows. I sighed.

" Why do you need my shirt anyway? You can get one on your stupid ship. " I said to him, clearly annoyed.

" Maybe I just like seeing you in your under garments. " He said huskily and blew hot air on my neck. 

Something melted inside of me. 

" It- It's an undershirt. " I stuttered back at him, not meeting his eye.

" Either ways, " he said while he leaned in more, " I like it. " His voice dripping with an accent.

I shook my head.

" Stop it." I said to him lightly. He just rolled his eyes and looked ahead at the ship. Why was he being such a flirt lately? Maybe he's just being playful. But he's a different flirt than Peter. Peter's all ' You know you want me ' ( insert eye-roll ) and Edmund's kinda confusing. No. He's just a very playful friend. Besides, I'm not one to lead either of them on.

The ship was finally close enough to observe properly. Many men in dirty white shirts and tattered brown pants were rushing about pulling at ropes and setting floorboards. There were also some fawns gazing at us from the dock. There were about 5 of them and they were wonderful to look at. Half man , half goat. A beautiful creation of God. There was also a great big centuar that seemed to be the commanding general because he was barking out orders to the men.

" Glenstorm ! My faithful sir ! " Peter shouted to the Centuar as he descended down the quickly constructed steps. He thudded up the wet sand to Peter and Edmund who had stepped forward. Glenstorm bowed to both the Kings first and then turned a bit to bow to the Queens. He sent me a curt nod and I awkwardly smiled at him.

The Royal RescueDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora