The Adaptation

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It has almost been a week since I surfaced here. This place with no real name . This place , where I met the four most complicated people of my life. And people said the 40s were simpler. Huh. Peter, Edmund , Lucy and Susan might find me eccentric but they are oddest bunch of teenagers I've met. I mean , Susan doesn't want to talk about boys ; she's ' shy ' as she puts it . Lucy has enormous amount of interest in the structure and usage of blades. She's obessesed . She carries around 3 different kinds of them. Peter does not like wrestling . Period . He doesn't know a tackle from a headbutt . Weird , super weird . And lastly Edmund is the odd one out . Personality wise , one wouldn't think he's brothers with the Pevensies because he's so easy to talk to . If he'd been a girl , we'd be besties. Although I've never had a ' bestie ' but I'm pretty sure a female Edmund would be my type of bestie. Its just so bizzare , Susan is supposed to be obsessed with the long conversations of brown-haired , green-eyed guys , lop-sided grins , rough manly hair and six packs ! Lucy should be all princessy and Peter should be a tough brute with a soft side . And Edmund , oh , Edmund should be the reserved , mysterious types who don't talk to girls younger than them and end up falling in love with them . Thank God he's not or I would've been so lost . And so confused . These people have really opened my eyes to better  younger personalities. Back home all my friends were hormonal teenagers wanting to rip each others clothes off or kick off with drugs or just get involved in some cliche'd drama. These people are a breath of fresh air for me . A new experience . I'm sure you've heard people saying when they first met their beloved friends , they felt that ' they have known them their whole life ' but for me these four people are four different seasons . So intriguing yet so different and new. So new , its almost exciting to be stuck in a dark and scary place just to get to know them .

But ofcourse , I'll never admit that to them . 

" What are you thinking about ? " Peter asked as we were lying on the soft , black rocks for a nap. Even though , we never need food or water to carry on , sleep is the one thing that's still intact in our systems . But never more than 4 hours , and after that we can go without sleep for about 2 days . But we still atleast try to act human and sleep twice every 12 hours . Yes , it was my idea. 

" You people . " I replied mysteriously . I liked messing with their heads , especially Peter's because he's always so honest. 

" Good thoughts , I hope . " Peter said , shifting his head to face me . 

" Very deep , yes . " I replied honestly .

" Thinking about me ? " Peter said with a clumsy smirk . Its times like these when Peter turns cheesy I think he's not so sensitive. 

I made a face at him indicating ' Fat chance , loser . ' 

" Thinking about ... Lucy ? " He said , still smirking .

" Nope . " I replied .

" About Edmund ? " He kept on asking , unconsciously . 

" Yes . " I said. 

" What ? " He snapped his attention back to me from playing with a stone . 

" Yes . " I repeated . 

" What you doing thinking about my younger brother ? " he asked . Curiosity radiated from his features . His eyes narrowed , brows raised and his mouth did a little pout. Its interesting how he put his question ,almost , as if ,  wanting to deem Edmund inferior . 

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