Go for a swim ( Part 2 )

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Peter led the party to the West Woods where the ' Pond of Confessions  ' was supposed to be located . Susan and Lucy rode on one horse while Edmund and Peter on two seperate horses. It was a fine day which was quickly turning to a night. The horses moved fast but steady. Peter had left Cair Paravel under the responsibility of Glenstorm because Peter had great trust in him. As they moved along , the woods got quieter and quieter and neither of the Kings or Queens had the energy to strike up a conversation. They hadn't brought any guards because the job was harmless . But the Kings and Queens of Narnia were in for something they wouldn't have even imagined. What could they imagine ? They were already in a magical land of talking animals and unstationary trees. Their imagination seemed so pathetic before the events that had unfolded in the past seven years of their reign and even before that.

" Are we there yet ? We've been riding for hours now ! " Lucy said tiredly as they moved along toward a clearing. The sky was shaded by clouds, so it was hard to tell how long they had been riding , but Peter , being the King he was , was keeping track of time in his head.

" I think we might be there , just a few more minutes , Lucy  " Peter replied , looking ahead towards the clearing .

" Its not like we can miss it , its The Pond of confessions, it sounds so grand we should be able to spot it. " Edmund said , emphasizing on the the name of the pond.

Peter and Susan gave Edmund tiring looks while Lucy giggled and petted her horse.

" I think we should stop here and leave our horses " Peter said . " Go on foot from here , I think I see something , maybe its the pond. "

Everybody agreed and they set off , they walked a good two miles before they reached the deserted pond. It was a bit bigger for a pond but it wasn't that deep. Maybe 20 feet . Peter signalled everyone to stop and he went forward to examine it. It surely was an odd green color but it seemed clean enough. There were a few fishes swimming in the pond and a couple of tadpoles. Sensing no danger , Edmund stepped forward and dipped his hand in the cool water of the pond , he went still for a fraction of a second. Susan noticed this and asked , 

" What is it , Edmund ? Is it too cold ? "

" No, its just that , it doesn't feel like Water . Its a tad thicker. " Edmund said , trying to make sense of his own words.

Peter stepped up and also dipped his hand . Edmund was right , the liquid was thicker. Lucy was curious and dragged Susan forward to get a better look at it. They were all around the pond now , mesmerized by the green glow it gave off. It was peaceful, there was no other sound other than of the wind. 

" I don't deserve to rule . " Peter said , his eyes glassy and focused on the Pond.  " I'm just a normal British man , I can't do this ."

" What are you saying , Pe- " Susan was cut off by Edmund.

" I will never know how to look a Narnian in the eye without thinking of my betrayal to Narnia. Nobody, who knows who I am, will ever care about me . " Edmund said. He said this because he'd never told anyone about this before and wasn't entirely sure why he was saying this out loud. It was like he couldn't control his thoughts , mind and mouth .

" I want to be desired and beautiful like.. like " Lucy caught herself mid sentence, biting her tongue.

Susan wasn't sure of the situation.  She knew something was up but couldn't put a finger on it. It was one of those frustrating times when she tried to make sense of unexplainable things . When her brain told her ' This isn't possible ' while her heart told her to go with it and ' let it go ' . Basically , Susan was having an Elsa-Attack , which is defined as ,

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