A Lesson

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The sky has turned to the visual form of Lava. It looks like a gaping hole that's flowing out energy and the ground shakes with the weight of the sky. It feels like something in that muted fire in the sky has a big , beating heart . And its thundering the ground . All this feels like something out of a movie . A very creepy , horror movie. 

I've never felt so terrified in my life. My legs were numb , my eyes narrowed due to the bright illumination in the sky and my heart , like a pump , sucking in and out so fast I was shaking . The most horrifying bit : We felt no heat , though it looked like a doorway to hell in the sky , it was like the heat was muted. Being prevented. We all felt this. It was the thundering ground that gave it away. Were we in a muted hell ? Because that would make sense . This , not knowing , just doesn't . I tear my eyes away from the sky to observe everybody else's reactions because this is worthy of crapping one's pants.

Lucy clung to Susan , breathing heavily . Both their eyes big with astonishment . Edmund stared with his mouth open and I had a sudden urge to go close it , he just looked so ... surprised , it was annoying. Peter had the same childish 'mommy-look-a-spider ' look on his face and he was physically shaking , like me. 

" Do not be alarmed , I come in peace . " A voice thundered from the sky , so loud , I couldn't hear the loud thudding of my heart. I searched the sky for something , anything that could be the cause of this voice . But it was just the gaping , burning hole it was coming from. Peter straightened , a look of courage replaced his previously horrified one . 

" Who speaks ? " Peter called out loudly . 

" It is me , dear son , Aslan . " The voice spoke again. And I recognized the authority in the voice. It was Aslan , the man who brought ( sent ? ) me here. I was suddenly very hopeful and gave Edmund a reassuring look . Edmund knitted his eye-brows as though asking me , ' Are you OK ? ' . I gave him a tight-lipped nod . Lucy and Susan had relaxed and had joined Peter in the clearing ahead . All three of them looking at the sky , with eyes full of questions . Edmund and I began walking towards them , slowly . The atmosphere was suddenly relieved .

" Aslan ! Oh , we've been so lost here.. you've come to help us ? " Lucy squealed and Edmund and I twitched at the high pitch of her voice . Susan held my hand as all of us looked to the sky for answers .

" No , dear one . You all need to learn something , and this - " he paused - " is the place where you will prove yourself as the kings and Queens of Narnia . " The voice declared.

" You mean to say we're being punished ? " Susan gasped. 

" Kings and Queens of Narnia ? I live in a two roomed house , on Earth ! My ass , ain't a royal one ! " I screamed at the sky. Peter shot me a glare and Edmund smirked . Susan squeezed my hand .

" You don't talk to Aslan like that , he's the Almighty one . " Lucy whisper-yelled to me . I instantly regretted my words , I had blown any chances of getting back home now . My heart sank and I looked at the ground with embarrassed tears pooling in my eyes. Why was I so rude ?

" There is a difference between learning a lesson and being punished , Susan . And I stand corrected when I say you are all Royalty , Riva . You'll find out in time. " The sky shook.

I bit my lip and wiped at my tears . Why am I being so weak ? I never cry , almost never. I never lash out in rudeness unless necessary . As long as I could remember , I've been trying to make myself happy and something , just something would come up to piss me off. When I'm finally happy.. I'm ruining this for me.

 I've always assumed that happiness always comes to those who ignore the world and enjoy who they are . I just can't get those complications out of my mind. Even at a time like this , I was thinking about the time when a few guys mugged me while I was coming back from school. They took everything , my phone , wallet , scripts ( I enjoy writing ) , my books and my bag . But that wasn't the thing that saddened me .  They forced me to give them the necklace ,which was gold , that my grandmother had gifted me. I know that sounds completely made up but grandmothers are a special gift from God , they're old and kind and know exactly what to say to you in tricky situations.. but she'd never told me about these. I'd never seen such harsh gestures. They pushed me , hit me and left me alone in the alley in broad daylight. I was lucky they were only interested in material things. Or else. 

I shuddered at the memory when Mum and Dad had asked me the details ... and the moments at the Police station. That event had definitely scarred me. Or the time when the teacher accidentaly locked me in the class. So what if I leave a little late ? Mr.Rogers can't just go around locking people ! I was found 4 hours later when I broke the classroom window with my flats , just enough to flail my hand around so Zara could see me . Those were the most lonely 4 hours of my life . . They made me think : If you have no one that takes care of you , nobody that loves you , you're a prisoner until you die . And when I came here , this barren place , my only fear was that I'd end up alone. I haven't realized that I am the lucky one in this situation. Why do I do this ? Why ? 

The questions kept whizzing through my head , almost as fast as the tears came down. There was silence . Just the quiet sniffling. My sniffling. I knew the sky had darkened because the thundering of the ground had stopped. The pressure , it was gone. Aslan had left us. With no real explanations to why we were here. Susan let go my hand , and I collapsed on to the ground , in a fetal position . Just wanting to block out everything .

In a haste , she got me up and rocked me in a hug. She knew I was troubled. I wondered if she'd ever felt that way . Everything was eerily  quiet . I hugged Susan one last time and let go. Peter came and sat in front of me , beside him sat Edmund . Lucy sat next to me and Susan . Without even realizing it , we had sat ourselves in a circle. 

" You're with us , alright ? No one's going to hurt you. We'll protect you. " Peter said to me in a firm but soothing voice . He looked at me with eyes that looked like they've seen alot but everything turned out okay in the end. He smiled and stroked my hair , leaving me with numb , hot trickles of his finger tips. I nodded and gave Lucy a smile. I avoided male contact , its just who I am. But it took me by surprise when Edmund put an arm around me and sort of pulled me into an electrical hug. Followed by him was Susan , after her Lucy and then Peter took us all in. And it was the most intimate moment of my journey there. So many emotions , five people , five stories. One and United. 

After that , we promised we'll go through what ever this was , together . 

Author's Note:

I loved writing this chapter. I just loved it. Can I tell you my favorite thing about a story ?

The beginning.

If I could , I would just write beginnings again and again. They have so much hope. This is Chapter 5 and Riva is still adjusting to the company of the Pevensies. Sort of a part of the beginning. Don't you love beginnings ? 

Did you like this chapter ? Comment ? Anyone ? :P

And thankyou for the reads , 50+ reads. ( I'm surprised I even got that. I guess Narnian Fanfics aren't popular . Even thou this story is an all rounder , a novel/fanfic ) . And the votes too, thanks for that ^.^ Next chapter will be posted on Saturday. 27/9/14. Review please :3 

P.s : This is what Riva was wearing over her light purple undershirt. With skinny jeans. Picture on the side. ( Now Edmund's wearing it , really annoyed with the sleeves :3 )


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