The Island

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    Third Person POV:


    “Aslan’s orders. “  Glenstorm confirmed to the sailors when they had asked if they were to continue even after no success in the previous search.

They all nodded and went back to their appointed tasks. Glenstorm looked onto the horizon turning pink. The sunset always made him feel unaccomplished. Maybe he’ll find them tomorrow. His Kings and Queens. The Pevensies.   

You shall sail to the island in between the great seas.

Where I saved the Narnians, Telmarines and the Pevensies.

Go, for this is your time to serve.

Go, for the Kings and Queens wait with a girl.


This is what he heard in his dream a month ago. The second in command, Glenstorm. Aslan’s deep and rumbling voice telling him to go find the Monarchs. They had headed for sea as soon as they could and now after three weeks, they were sailing in the middle of the great ocean, still searching for the Kings and Queens and a girl too. And every day when the sunset, Glenstorm would sigh in disappointment. On those lucky days when they find an island, they would search it of every inch of its grain of sand. They had had no success yet but Glenstorm’s hope was strong and ongoing.

He turned to head towards his chambers.

Back to Riva’s POV:


This time we were on an island. All five of us. All real five of us. We had recovered from our blackouts a while ago and were now crisping under the sun.

Aslan has to stop popping us from place to place. This is getting ridiculous. Lucy was the first one to wake up here and then she woke us all up. One by one. When she woke me up, she almost squeezed the eye-balls out of my sockets with a hug. I gave her similar hug until she asked me to let go because she couldn’t breathe.

“Pity, I wasn’t done, you know. “ I had said to her.

Susan had greeted me with a gentle squeeze as opposed to Lucy’s. They told me, like myself, they too were trapped in the metallic box. And they saw the whole scene unfold in front of them from their windows. I just couldn’t see them. So many weird questions were popping in my head. I had decided to ask them later. Peter had joined our conversation casually after giving me a side-ways hug. I don’t know why I blushed. Edmund was his old self. No awkwardness or bluntness. Nada. I had happily welcomed him in my arms and hugged the life out of him. The ecstatic moment when your best friend isn’t mad at you for being clingy in an alien planet. I knew this because he nearly choked me with his hug. Ah, friendship.

After our reunion we were just tanning under the sun. Edmund had taken off his shirt which reminded of the first time I met him. I playfully snatched the shirt away from him.

“I’ll take this, thank you. “  I said to him and waved the shirt in his face. He tried snatching it back I quickly put it on myself. It was originally my shirt after all. And then, I ran to where Susan was lying on the smooth sand and plopped down next to her.

“Shoo. Go away. “Susan said without opening her eyes.

“But Edmund is after me!” I told her pleadingly.

“Wasn’t he always? “ Susan said playfully, opening one eye.

“Psshhtt. You say I’m the one with the dirty mind.” I said to her in a mock-serious tone.

“Who’s got a dirty mind? “ Edmund said from behind me. He had finally caught up with us and now inching his way around Susan. I got up cautiously.

“None of your business Mr. I don’t wear long sleeves.” I said to him and looked down at the poor state of the sleeves of my red shirt. I kind of liked this shirt. Right now, it must look horrendous on me.

“I don’t. In fact, I don’t wear a shirt at all.” Edmund said. He was looking for a conversation break so he could tickle me. I knew it; I saw it in his mischievous eyes. Ruining his plan, I crouched down and tickled Susan who was oblivious to our little feud. She jumped at the contact and instead of glaring at me; she looked at Edmund like she was going to kill him. That’s because I ran away. Poor Edmund. I looked back and saw Edmund throwing me a surprised look. That’s right, I outsmarted that little King. Lucy was laughing hysterically because she saw it all happen from only a few meters away while Peter grumpily looked at the sea. I’d say he was tired but he looked more annoyed.

I knew I was still in an unknown place. I knew this is totally insane. I’m acting like this doesn’t affect me because I’ve kind of grown used to unknown environments.

 We weren’t panicking because this was a decent place. There was food in the sea and we could boil some water. We could live. Peter and Edmund knew all the basic life survival skills and I trusted them like I trust the sun would come up the next day. Abstractly of course. Who knows what batshit island we were on right now with walking palm trees and shape shifting rocks? You might think I’m exaggerating but the fact is, you know I’m not.

Lucy thinks its Narnia we’re in. But Peter isn’t too sure. Me, Edmund and Susan have just stopped caring. We’re happy as long as we have each other. Wow, I sound so corny.

“What is that? “ Peter asked looking out to the sea with the same grumpy expression.

“Where? “ Susan asked. I looked too. There was a tiny black dot on the horizon and it seemed to be moving.

 “It’s a ship. “ Edmund said suddenly. Lucy nodded in awe.

“Is this real? Somebody pinch me.” I said to nobody in particular.

I was pushed down to the ground by a shirtless Edmund on top of me. My throat closed up at the contact, a blush threatening to rise.

“Oh, this is very real.” Edmund whispered into my ear sending shivers down my spine.

Author's Note :

300+ reads o.o Thank you people !!! This chapter was kind of a filler chapter. Very rare with me. So. I wanna know. Which team are you guys on ??? Edmun/Riva? Peter/Riva? Tell meeee !!! And I'm going to starting my new story very soon. Its going to be an original!! My first one. I'll try balancing updates. But you will get one weekly, that's a kind of promise!


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