Home sweet home

625 11 4

In the morning Matt looked pretty stable but still won't able to run or push himself too hard so you re-loaded your gun with the few ammunition you had left, put on the back pack and left the hideout.

It was nighttime so you had the cover of darkness but there was defiantly more alert and more teams out, looking for us. You hoped nothing went wrong and you climbed onto a building with the others following behind you.

Looking over the city you couldn't believe the sight. There were 10x the amount of soldiers outside looking for you guys. Snipers, Look outs, Soldiers. All this for us? Tord wasn't messing around.

You - this style/font

Edd- this style/font

Matt- this style/font

"There's no going around it, we need to split up"

"Are you sure you'll be able to handle yourself Matt?"

"I'll be fine, we should head North and radio each other tomorrow."

"Good plan. I'll see you guys later... don't get hurt..."

"Don't worry Edd, it'll be fine."

You all part ways and you decide to take the rooftops, it's very risky but it is very fast.

Running past wreckage's and broken rooftops, you notice a helicopter with a spotlight searching the place. Rooftops aren't a good idea anymore because the fucking commie knew you'd all part ways. You were about to climb down one of the buildings but there were guards at the bottom so you had to climb into the building through one of the broken holes at the top of the roof. so you could escape via one of the windows.

After you made it out the building, you were extra cautious so you didn't get caught by the red army; sticking to the shadows...it was something you're used to but not with this many guards around.

You were about to think of an escape plan before you heard the footsteps of guards coming in your alleyway, you had no choice but to run from them, right into a road with more guards. Crap. You started to get angry as you run as fast as you could from them, dodging the bullets and trying to lose them through more alleyways, but the guards screams and radio for backup only brought more chasing you until you were cornered by more soldiers surrounding you.

 They started closing in on you when one of them, probably the leader shot you in the leg and the arm.

You were pissed. All your life you managed to run from these assholes and Matt probably even made it away, how come you got caught?! Rage built up inside you until...


You 'eyes' burned as purple smoke emitted from them and you turned into your monster form, throwing a guard aside but just as you did that, you turned back into your half monster form again.

Even though you were exhausted from the transformations and running you used the rest of your energy to head west. You couldn't run from these guys, no matter what you pulled so you had to get them away from Edd and Matt's direction. 

The blood loss, fatigue and exhaustion caught up to you as you slowed down and the soldiers caught you, forcing a cloth onto your mouth and nose... so...tired... You passed out.

"This one's a pain. Lock him in the van and take him to base immediately, and you *points to another guard* call red leader and say we caught Thomas Thompson."

"Yes Sir!"

Side note- I upload on a bad schedule so its kinda hard to think of good twists at every story, please put through your suggestions in the comments, should i add a part for the reader? Random thoughts are appreciated!  Thank you.

-625 words-

Tomtord Rebel Tom And Red Leader Tomtord Eddsworld Where stories live. Discover now