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"Hello, old friend!"

"Fuck off commie bastard." I felt sick just being around him with his smirk, I never liked him, I. Hated him but he seemed a bit hurt by what I said? His smirk flattened for a noticeable second being going back to the normal position as he regained his confidence and ego.

"That's no way to speak to your leader now is it?"

"Leader?! Ha! I'll never work for you ! "

"Oh really?" He lifted a hand out of his pocket showing a gun and pointing it toward my arm. "Are you sure about that ,Thomas?"

I was mad that he uses my full name, he shouldn't even be able to say my name at all but I kept silent. I wanted survival but I don't want to be in his fucking army.

"I'm getting impatient Thomas..." He growled , pulling the trigger and allowing warm blood to trickle out of my left arm.



Bang. Another bullet shot in my leg.

"That's no way to talk to a leader!"

"Argh. Fine! I'll join this lame ass army! "

"Good choice Thomas"  and with that, he left the room, locking the door behind him.

My arm hurt more than you could imagine but even if I was a cripple, I wouldn't show Tord that.

Days past and some people came in even now and then to check that I was still here I guess. My wound was tended too, which surprised me but my arm was definitely healed. My injuries usually healed quickly due to my monster powers but nobody knew that. Nobody knew about Tomster.

Suddenly, the door opened and Tord walked inside looking down at me.

"Good morning Thomas"


"No sarcastic remarks? Glad to know you've found your place here. "

"Fuck you"

"Ah, it was too good to be true. But now that you're in my army it's time I gave you a tour. After all you'll become my sectary so I can keep a close eye on you."

I immediately thought about escaping, he had no handcuffs, I have a monster form that would get me out of here easily, I just need to wait until his guard is down. I should also make sure he doesn't suspect anything.

Finally you're making good ideas . I advice giving me control and i'll kill everyone

Shut it Tomster. Like hell you're getting anything. And where were you when I needed you?!

Sleeping obviously, I needed to regain energy.


"Thomas, are you comming?"

"Ugh, yeah I'm comming."

-430 words, (I'm sorry it's so short! ) -

Tomtord Rebel Tom And Red Leader Tomtord Eddsworld Where stories live. Discover now