The boy with the halo

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Demons and angels are separated in adulthood, but as kids and teens angels and demons are allowed to mix and mingle. But NEVER anything more than that.

Dan walked to class with his friend Luther, Luther had blonde hair (that he often got bullied for) and black eyes, like dans eyes. But unlike dan Luther had had wings and horns. People often joked about dan not having horns and wings, they teased and said that he "wasn't a real demon" and honestly, dan didn't feel like a demon, yeah he liked dark colors, but he just didn't feel like a demon.

As dan and Luther walked to class, phil hurriedly walked passed them, not in a scared way like most angels do, but in way like he was late for something. Phil was as dan thought "the sexiest angel that ever walked the earth" his halo was the brightest from all the angels, and his wings were the whitest and looked the softest.

As phil passed dan, dan couldn't help but stare at his ass. Luther noticed, rolled his eyes and nudged dan. "Dan he's an angel, you need to stop staring" Luther said. "Oh, yeah" dan looked away.

Dan and Luther sat in the back of the class like usual, phil was also in their class, but he sat in the front. Dan never payed attention in class, he just stared at phil and drew sketches of him on his notepad. Poor dan was in love with a boy he could never have.

The bell rang for lunch dan gathered up his things, "sorry dude I can't go to lunch with you, I have detention" "Luther who am I gonna sit with now" Luther shrugged and left for detention and dan walked to the cafeteria alone.

Dan's walking alone, where's his friend? Is this my chance!

"H-hey dan" phil timidly said "oh h-hey phil" dan replied. "I know we've never really talked before, b-but do you want to have lunch with me?" Phil asked "uhh s-sure" dan managed to say

Holy fuck I can't believe I just asked dan fucking Howell to lunch! Dan Howell the cutest guy in school!

They walked to the cafeteria, an awkward silence hung above their heads. Cat walked up to them "hey phil, who's this?" She asked with a cheeky smile, she knew who dan was, she knew phil had been crushing on him since the third grade, and she was fine with it, she actually didn't give a shit about the demon angel thing. "This is dan" phil said "dan this is cat" "hey" dan said, he half expected her to run away, but instead she held out her hand. "Hey" cat said as dan shook her hand

They got their lunch and walked to a table, they got a few strange looks but they didn't care. "So... dan, what's your favorite subject?" Cat asked trying to break the awkward silence that had returned. "Uhhh, I really like art" dan said shyly.

God he's so cute

"I like art too" phil said with a smile. Dan blushed.

Why does phil have to be so cute?

"What do you like to draw phil?" Dan asked "I usually like to draw flowers, I'm not very good though. But what about you, what do you like to draw?" Dan blushed furiously, he couldn't tell phil his favorite thing to draw was him! But what is he supposed to say? "Uhhh... I usually like to draw people, in my notebook" dan said quickly. "Can we see some of your drawings?" Cat asked curiously. Dan was hesitant, but handed her his notebook

Shit she's gonna see the drawings of phil, then he's gonna see them. Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit!

Cat opened the notebook and saw a drawing of phil wearing a white hoodie and jeans, halo glowing and wings fully extended. "Dan, this is beautiful!" Cat said. Phil looked over at the page, he wasn't expecting to see a drawing of himself. Phil blushed "yeah, it's great!" Phil said eyes still transfixed on the page.


Dan draws pictures of me? That's so cute! God, I just want to kiss him!

Cat flipped through a few more pages of the notebook smiling a litter more, every page making her ship phil and dan even more. Phil was still looking over her shoulder at the drawings. "I think dan has a specific person he likes to draw" cat said giggling. Dans face grew redder with every second, so did Phil's.

Does he like me? Oh my god, I think this might be the best day of my life. Should I ask him if he wants to come over to my house this afternoon? Fuck it, I'm going for it!

"Dan, do you want to come over to my house after school?"

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