Dan's dream

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Dan was running Down a hallway. His dad was chasing him, ever so often he would hear him yelling "get your ass back here dan" dan tried to run to the end of the tunnel but it just kept getting longer and longer. Dan didn't know if he could run any longer. He saw a door to his left, dan decided he'd rather take his chances with what was behind the door than face his father. He quickly turned the handle of the door, ran inside, and closed it, leaving his father behind the door. He was now in a field the door that was behind him now gone. At the center of the field was phil, he was turned away from dan. Dan ran over to phil and hugged him. Phil turned around a look of disgust on his face. "What the fuck are you doing dan!" Phil shouted at dan shoving him away. "Phil I-I thought we were friends?" Dan said a look of  hurt on his face. "Why would I want to be friends with you! You're a demon! You're evil! You left me!!" Phil shouted, pushing dan even further away. Dan felt fresh tears in his eyes. "Phil i-i just didn't want to hurt you" dan said to phil. Phil pushed dan so hard he fell to the ground. A tear slipped out of Dan's eye. "You mean nothing to me" phil said through clenched teeth. Then everything started to split apart until dan was left in utter darkness. Faces and words passed dan he saw his dads face "you'll never be anything you little shit" next it was Phil's face "you mean nothing to me" and couldn't take it anymore he closed his eyes, covers his ears and screams. He screams so loud that he can't hear the voices anymore. Dan sees a light then he wakes up.

Dan immediately sat upright in bed. He's covered in sweat. His breathing is fast. He takes deep breaths and tries to calm himself down. He looks over at the clock next to him. It's 1:00 in the morning. Dan doesn't want to go back to sleep. So he just lies in bed, but little does he know phil just had a nightmare quite similar to dans. Dan rolls over and stares at his wall contemplating what had just happened in his dream.

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