I have to protect phil

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I don't think phil saw anything, but what if he did? I should tell him, not everything but something at least

Dan walked into Phil's room. Phil's face still looked shocked. "Dan, what the fuck just happened?" Phil asked. "Erm... I said I would always protect you, didn't I?" Dan said nervous that phil would run away. "That was you?" Phil asked. A smile crept onto Phil's face. "Thank you dan" phil ran to dan and hugged him. "If you hadn't gotten here in time who knows what would've happened." "It's no problem" dan said blushing.

Dan put his backpack on Phil's bed. "Hey dan, do you want to play some video games, not to brag but I'm pretty good at Mario kart." Phil said confidently. "We'll see about that" dan giggled. They played Mario kart for a while, phil getting playfully mad when he lost.

"Uhh hey phil" dan said. "Yeah" phil answered. "How long has your brother been like that?" Dan asked. Phil paused the game. "He's always been like that. But it's gotten worse since Martyn died, Martyn would always protect me from Jake. But since he's gone no one's been holding him back." Phil looked down to the floor. "What about your parents? Do they know?" Dan asked looking concerned. "No, Jake threatened to hurt me if I told them." Dan could feel himself getting angrier. "That dickhead" Dan snarled. They heard the front door open and close. Phil looked up at dan with a small smile "mom's home." Dan smiled back "will she be ok with me hanging out with you?" Dan asked "oh yeah, she's fine with me hanging out with anyone." Phil grabbed dans hand and they went downstairs.

Phil's mom was an angel, her wings looked like Phil's, the only difference was her halo was a little dimmer than Phil's. "Hi mom!" Phil said "hi phil, who's your friend?" Phil's mom asked smiling at dan. "This is dan, dan this is my mom" phil said gesturing to dan, then to his mom. "It's a pleasure to meet you dan" Phil's mom said. "You too" dan replied with a smile. "Will you be staying the night dan?" Phil's mom asked "yeah, if that's all right with you." Dan said. "Of course it's all right with me. Now, what would you guys like for dinner?" "How about pizza?" Phil suggested. "Yeah pizza's good" dan said, "pizza it it then, pepperoni or cheese?" "Dan do you want pepperoni or cheese, I don't really have a preference."phil said with a smile. "Ok, pepperoni then" dan said. Phil's mom took out her phone and ordered the pizza. Dan and phil went back upstairs and continued to play Mario kart.

A few minutes later they heard a knock at the door, phil looked scared. "Phil, dan pizzas here" Phil's mom called. Phil relaxed, but dan would never forget that expression. That look of pure terror on Phil's face.

Dan and phil headed downstairs and into the dining room. There was a box of pizza on the table along with a liter of soda. "Thanks mom!" Phil said as he god dan and himself plates and cups from the cabinet. "Your welcome phil, do you know what's talking your brother so long to get down here?" "I have no clue" phil lied.

I didn't hurt him that bad, did I?

Dan and phil ate their pizza and talked about school. "Yeah, mr. Dolan is really weird" phil said. Dan laughed. They heard footsteps coming downstairs, dan as well as phil assumed it was Phil's mom. When phil turned around the greet the person, all the color drained from his face. Jake was walking towards them, with a knife, he looked drunk. As he approached dan had only one thought.

I have to protect phil

Jake took phil by the shirt "it's payback time philly, I don't know how you did that to me, but you're gonna pay" he traced Phil's jawline with the knife. Dan stood up "I swear if you cut him you're gonna be sorry!" Dan shouted at Jake. "Heh, what're you gonna do pipsqueak" Jake laughed. Dan held out a hand, no, not a hand, it was more like a claw. Dans eyes were now an inky black. Dan raised his hand, jakes body raised with it. "If you mess with phil one more time you're gonna regret it, this is your warning, understand?" Dans voice was distorted and angry. "Y-yes, I-I understand" Jake whimpered. "Good" dan lowered his hand, jakes body lowered with it. Jake ran to his room, shortly after dans body was back to normal. Then he collapsed on the floor.

shit! Shit! Shit! Shit!

Phil bent down to dans face, "dan, dan are you ok?" Phil asked as he prodded dans face. All he got in response was a small groan. Phil lifted dan up and wrapped dans arm around his shoulder. Phil walked dan up to his room. When he got up there he lay dan on the bed and went to lock the door, just in case Jake came back. Phil lay on the bed facing dan waiting for him to wake up.

A few minutes late phil hears a faint "phil" coming from dan. "Dan! You're awake!" Phil said enthusiastically as he sat up on the bed. "What happened, what did I do?" Dan asked, he sounded tired. "I'm not really sure, Jake was threatening me with a knife, then you turned into a full demon and raised him into the air until he agreed to stop hurting me." Phil said. "Shit, I understand if you don't want to be friends anymore, after what you saw." Dan said as he looked down to the floor, tears pooling in his eyes. "Why would I want to stop being friends with you? You saved my life." Phil reached over and interlocked his and Dan's fingers. They moved slowly closer together, their mouths almost touching. Dan suddenly jerks away. "I-I'm sorry, I can't do this to you." Dan said as he quickly took his things and left. Phil heard the front door open and shut.

Why did he leave?

Phil felt tears running down his face falling onto his legs. "Is there something wrong with me?" Phil asked himself as he tries his hardest to fall asleep.


When dan got to his house he was on the verge of a breakdown. He hated his home, his dad mentally abused him, his mom was never home, and on top of that he just ran away from the only boy he's ever loved. Dan slowly twists the handle of his front door, he pushes it open. He sees his dad watching football, but he hopes his dad doesn't see him. But to dans dismay his dad turns around. "Why are you home so late dan?" His dad says with a tone that would make anyone feel uneasy. "I had to stay after for tutoring." Dan says hoping his dad would be convinced by the lie. "Why did I have to have such a stupid son like you?" Dans father says, not even trying to hold back the disgust in his voice. No one knew, but dan had started believing what his father said to him. Dan used to be a happy boy, but ever since his dad started abusing him, he was never the same. His fathers words broke him and threw the pieces until they were shattered even more. Dan had usually been able to put the peaces back together, but little dose he know you can only break so much before it's unfixable. Dan walked into his room and threw his stuff on his bed along with himself.

Why does it have to be me

A tear fell from Dan's eye. On top of his dad abusing him, dan also had depression. He had to take anti depressants, but when dan started to realize that they didn't help him he flushed them down the toilet.

Dan sobbed quietly into his pillow until he couldn't hold his eyes open anymore. So he closed his eyes and fell into an uneasy sleep.

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