Phil's dream

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Phil was standing on the edge of a cliff. The wind blowing on his face ruffling his hair. The sea below him bright blue, it looked so tempting. Phil took a step forward and down he fell. He landed on his bed, his green and blue sheets beneath him. Someone started pounding on the door. "Philly, I know you're in there!" It was Jake, all the color left Phil's face as he cowered on his bed wrapping his wings around himself. He tried to conjure a shield, but no matter how hard he tried it wouldn't work. Phil was terrified. Jake suddenly busted through the door. "No! No! Stay away from me!" Phil started screaming as tears stained his face. Jake walked up to phil as he laughed. He took out a pocket knife and held it to Phil's throat. "You don't have your boyfriend to save you now, oh is philly gonna cry more?" Jake teased. "Dan!" Phil shouted. Jake pressed the knife harder against Phil's throat. Phil could feel the knife cutting into him. Then suddenly, it all faded. Phil was now sitting on a forest floor littered with leaves and sticks. In the distance he sees dan sitting on a rock, a single beam of sunlight shining through the canopy of trees onto dan. Phil ran towards him. "Dan!" Phil shouted as he hugged the boy. "What the fuck Phil!" Dan said as he pushed phil away. "Dan, what are you doing?" Phil asked. "I left you for a reason!" Dan said angrily. "What was the reason?" Phil asked. "You're am embarrassment, did you really think I could love someone like you?" Dan said glaring at a teary eyed phil. "Dan I-I" phil tried to say something but dan interrupted him. "No phil, you mean nothing to me" dan turned away. Phil started sobbing. Then he woke up.

Phil opened his eyes, he wasn't surprised when he felt fresh tears on his face. He turned and stared at the wall trying to forget what had happened in his dreams. But little did he know dan had a similar nightmare.

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