The brother

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Did phil Lester actually just ask me to come over to his house after school? Even after seeing the drawings?

The bell rang, signaling the end of lunch. Dan and phil went in different directions. as dan walked down the hall a tall dark figure pinned him against a locker. It was Kaiden, Kaiden had black hair, red eyes, horns, wings, and a tail. "Awwww poor little Danny still doesn't have his horns" Kaiden chuckled "leave me alone Kaiden!" Dan struggled to break free of his grip. "Oooh Danny's getting feisty! We'll just have to fix that won't we" Kaiden lifted his right hand and it was consumed by a red flame Kaiden slowly put his fist towards dans face making sure that it would hurt. Dans face became a little burned. "I'm warning you!" Dan said. "What're you gonna do? Cry on my fist till the fire goes out?" Kaiden teased. "No I'm gonna do this" dans eyes suddenly went pitch black, horns sprouted from his forehead and wings grew from his back. He raised a hand in front of him and Kaiden flew across the hall into a locker. Dan started floating, the same red flame from Kaiden's fist now consumed Dan's body "Are you ready to stop?" Dans voice came out distorted and deep. "Yes! I'm done! Please don't hurt me!" Kaiden pleaded. "Then go!" Kaiden ran until he couldn't see dan anymore. The flame went out, the wings and horns sunk back into dans skin and his beautiful brown eyes were back.

God, I hate doing that, at least phil didn't see it, imagine what he would think. Heh

Dan walked to class, surprisingly he wasn't late. But he still didn't pay attention to the lesson, how could he? He was too excited about going over to Phil's house after school.

The bell rung, dan quickly stood up, gathered his books and went to find phil.

Phil was standing in front of his locker talking to cat, phil noticed dan walking towards them "hey dan!" Phil says in a cheery voice. "Hey phil!" Dan reply's "you ready to go?"phil asked. "Yeah." Dan said with a smile. "I'll just leave you two alone, bye phil!" Cat said as she waved and left. Phil took his backpack out of his locker. "Come on dan, let's go" phil took Dan's hand. Dans face grew red.

Dan and phil walked out of school and down the road, they stopped at a light blue house with a neat garden in front. "This is my house" phil said. Phil lead dan inside to the living room. There was someone sitting on the couch, a demon. He had messy black hair, eyes like black holes, huge red wings and horns. "That's my brother jake, my parents are angels, but he's a demon" phil said as he pointed to the demon on the couch. Jake turned to face them, dan felt phil shiver. "Looks like philly's got himself a boyfriend" jake teased, but it didn't sound like the playful teasing that siblings usually do, no this sounded like hate. "Shut up" phil said quietly starring at the floor letting go of Dan's hand. Jake got up from the couch "what did you say?" He asked angrily. Phil backed away a look of fear plastered on his face. "N-nothing" jake walked towards phil and grabbed him by the shirt. "That's what I thought you little shit" he growled as he raised his fist. Dan couldn't do anything but watch, he didn't want to transform in front of phil. Phil winced, jake laughed and put phil down. Phil quickly took Dan's hand and rand for his room. Once they were inside phil Locked the door. He slid to the floor, hugging his knees as a tear fell down his cheek. "Phil, are you ok?" Dan asked. He sat down next to phil and put his arm around him. "He always does this, he always hurts me." Phil said holding back sobs. Dan tilted Phil's chin up so he was looking dan in the eyes "phil, I promise from now till the end of time I will protect you from him." Dan hugged phil, phil cried into Dan's chest. They sat there until phil calmed down.

Dan looked at his phone it was 4:00 they had been sitting there for 30 minuets. "Phil" dan whispered. "Yeah" phil replied quietly. "I have to go home." Dan said with a frown. "No, please stay the night. I'm scared, I-i don't want to be alone." Phil said, another tear rolling down his cheek. Dan wiped away the tear and looked down at the fragile angel in his arms, his halo was dim, but his wings were so soft. "Ok, I just need to go home to get a change of cloths and ask my mom if I can stay the night." Dan said softly. "Ok" phil replied.

Dan left to go get his things. Phil stayed in his room with the door locked, sitting on the floor, his wings wrapped around him.

Dan please get back quickly

Phil heard someone coming up the stairs. His heart started racing. They stopped in front of his door. They tried the handle, once they saw it was locked they started banging on the door. "Phil, are you in there with your boyfriend, or did he leave you?" Jake chuckled. Phil whimpered.

Dan please hurry

Jake kept banging on the door "don't make me pick the lock phil! It's just gonna make this worse for you" the banging stoped. Phil heard something in the lock. Jake was picking the lock.

Fuck, dan hurry. Please.

Jake pushed the door open. "What did I tell you phil, you just made this worse for yourself." Jake Smiled threateningly. He walked over to phil, phil had a golden orb around him. "Oh you think that puny shield of yours will protect you from me?" Jake laughed. James hands caught fire, he screamed in agony. Phil looked confused. Jake ran out of the room to extinguish his hands. Phil looked into the hallway, dan was there. Dan put on a look of confusion, to match Phil's, phil bought it.

What the fuck just happened

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