Chapter 9 : Watching our opponents

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A/N : Hello my dear childrens, i am so sorry for the humongus hiatus that this story suffured from, but i sadly had less enjoyable things to do than to write for you, i really love to write for your content because i always get your support and because it push me to be the best writer for all off you. Tho, i will probably not be able to write during the next mounth (screw you studies) but i will try.

So, withut further waiting LET'S DO THIS 

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Normal : talking

Italic : thinking

BOLD : screaming

Beacon's bullhead pads : Y/N Pov :

Here we go again, me, my team, our families, Ozpina and Glynda were all here to formely welcome our opponents for the next few days in the festival,

The first who arrived were the students and staff from Atlas, i was formely presented to general Ironwood and her students such as the always exited Neon or the cutiepie of an android Penny, but Atlas wasn't the only guest of this festival, and soon students and hunters from all of Remnant arrived, and all were extremely exited to see both me and beacon, it looks like being know as a god king also makes me really popular.

Some surprise guest such as Sienna Khan or even Vernal, a girl from Raven's tribe also arrived along that time and boy we were all exited, not only because it will mark the end of the constant war going on on the planet, but also because it will be during this festival that i will be crowned king of Remnant.

And to be honest with you oh reader mine, it also means that i had plenty of hoices of girl to flirt with, and with all the blushing that i can already see on their faces, i don't think it will be really hard to flirt with those girls.

And as the girls were presenting themselves and were welcoming our guest, i could feel the exitment growing up in me, because i knew that today will be really exiting, because today was ... 


A/N : Yes, yes i know, this chapter is extremely short, but to make up for it the next chapter will be

See you all next time.

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