My Dreams Without U In It

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" I help you reach your dream, why are you taking mine?"

Sehun woke up with sweat on his forehead. Luhan's last words, it became his frequent nightmare since that day.

It's been 2 years since Sehun decided to choose this path... And he regretted it.

The first 7 months after their break uo was great but then, everything become dull slowly.

As the show ends and as the light turns off, he felt alone. How ironic, everyone is showing their love to him but he felt loveless. As everyone support him, he felt like drowning with no one to save him.

As night come, even with a million fans, he was alone.

Sehun missed how Luhan would cheer for him and shout like a fan whenever he perform on stage; how Luhan would cheer him up and support him at everything; how Luhan would hug him as dark envelopes the sky... He missed Luhan.

He felt like shit. Luhan didn't do anything aside from loving him and he repay him with pain. How cruel!

Luhan is the only person who believes in him when everyone doubts him. Luhan is the only person who cheers him up whenever he's down. Luhan is the only person who keeps on pushing him to purseu what he wants when he, himself almost give up. Luhan is the only person who helped him when he felt like drowning... Luhan is the only person who love him when he have nothing.

And he let that fucking person slipped through his hands.

As Luhan helped him build his own dream, he shattered the former's dream.

He remember how Luhan said, he was his dream. Luhan is happy with just the two of them living in a small apartment, struggling to work for a living.

Every night, Sehun regret his choice. He doesn't want this lonely life full of hypocrite people. Who only love him because he has everything.

He realized, he'd rather have his family hate him, no fans to love him, no cars nor fancy house than with no Luhan.

He miss Luhan's instant coffee in the morning than the imported coffee he had lately. He miss their old uncomfortable matress than his soft bed. He miss their small apartment than his big fancy house. He missed Luhan's hug, kiss... He just miss Luhan.

And today, he already made up his mind. He will bring back Luhan.. to his life. He love the bou so much and doesn't care anymore if he still have a career after revealing to the media that he is with someone.

Tomorrow, Sehun decided to visit Luhan and his once shared apartment. He will beg for the latter to come back to him. He will go even lower than that if that's what Luhan's want.

He also planned to reveal everything about Luhan to the media after Luhan accept him again.

That day, Sehun was determined to win back Luhan.

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