All Dolled Up

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A week had passed since being dragged to the Hell that Jason referred to as his toy factory. It was difficult, to say the least. Jason's mind seemed to follow a logic only he could understand, and you struggled to play catch-up with all the rules he had in place for you. One of them was that you were required to spend time with Jason for a minimum of 5 hours a day. However, Jason never specified when these 5 hours would take place. Sometimes, he would come by in the morning to your room, other times he'd leave you alone to wander the halls of his factory. Either way, he'd always find you, usually with one of his dolls by his side.

Jason hated it when you left your room without him. He probably suspected you of trying to leave, which wasn't far from the truth. You did want to escape, but usually you left your room because you were bored. You had been careful, however, since the incident with his pet snake, and hadn't gone down any hallways or rooms he had warned you about. You had the sneaking suspicion that your key to escaping this awful place was probably down there, though. Either way, even if Jason was bitter about you leaving your room, he never told you not to.

It was one of those days where you hadn't seen Jason at all. You had wandered the halls for hours, slowly memorizing the layout. As you did so, a strange feeling came over you. The factory today. You weren't sure how exactly to describe it. You hadn't seen any of Jason's toys, which typically wandered the halls, same as you. There were strange sounds coming from farther into the factory, banging and rattling you couldn't quite place. It was as if the factory itself was holding its breath, waiting for a storm to break loose.

Eventually you spotted someone down the hallway. One of Jason's dolls, a young girl around 15 years old, with long, wavy blonde hair and heterochromatic eyes, one eye was blue, the other purple. The 'special touch' Jason had added on, besides probably her eyes, was a unicorn horn sticking out from her forehead. She was facing away from you, and for a moment you considered asking her where Jason was. But after a second, you instead turned down the hall and walked away. If Jason wanted to see you, he could find you. Besides, his dolls freaked you out. There was something truly unnerving about them to you. Perhaps it was because you knew that Jason had considered turning you into one. Every time you saw one of his dolls, you felt an involuntary shiver race up your spine.

You were glad, for the most part, that they stayed away from you. Aside from the one or two dolls that would follow Jason around, you almost never saw them. You wondered how they got around the factory, considering how they acted like servants, cleaning the place and fulfilling other small tasks Jason ordered.

As you walked away from the doll, that thumping noise you had been hearing on and off all day grew louder. Curious, you crept closer to the source. The noise became louder, and louder, until suddenly, it stopped.

You paused, waiting to hear it again. It seemed to be coming from Jason's workshop, and you hesitated outside the door. It was one of the places you weren't allowed into.

A hand grabbed your shoulder, spinning you around. Jason stood there, his hair shockingly white, his arms black and rotting, his eyes blazing green. He looked pissed.

"What. Are you doing. Outside my workshop?" He asked through clenched teeth. You noticing the side of his mouth was rotting as well, and you could see more of his teeth and muscle through it.

You tried to take a step back, but his hand on your shoulder held you firmly. He saw you try to move, and his expression changed into a malicious, mirthless smile. You were heavily reminded of the day he dragged you here, and felt tears spring into your eyes.

"Not going to answer me?" He said in a light tone. "Haven't you heard that silence in a guilty man's confession?"

"What?" You asked in a meek voice. Confession? What was he talking about? You didn't do anything! "I heard a noise, I wanted to see what it was, I wasn't going in there, I swear-"

The Living Doll (Jason the Toymaker X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now