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When I got to mu room I laid on my bed grabbing Link. Lexi walked back downstairs telling one of my relatives to go back upstairs and stay with me so when I wake up I dont have a panic attack.Tayy came up and layed with me stroking my hair. I eventually fell asleep. When lexi went back to the group she started explaining everything. "Okay so the deal with anna is she has social anxiety if you havent notice that.The thing is hers is different its weird, its like she has bipolar social anxiety. Like she can be in the same group of people and flip shit on someone and forget she doesnt like big groups or she is too shy to speak and breaks down. Then she gets mad at her brainand it causes her to have a headache. After she gets a headache it causes her mood to change and one wrong word she becomes Eryka. Eryka is anna who yells and screams and can become an evil motherfucker who when she threatens you she isnt kidding and it may happen.So normaly when she becomes Eryka I just tell her to go to sleep. Now the reason she has to have someone with her is because if she falls asleep while being Eryka she will flip out if no one is in the room when she wakes up because she fears she did something to hurt them. So then after a while she chills out and is fine" Lexi said with a serious face.

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