Rise and Shine

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(next day) 

I woke up to someone laying next to me. Damnit I had been fine the past few days not needing to have someone in my room meaning I became Eryka. I poked Tayy trying to wake her up. “Tayy” I whisper yelled. Then I looked at the clock and realized what time it was so I left her alone. I walked down stairs due to my stomach. When I got down there I saw a lot of people some who were actually awake. “Hey Anna feeling better” CC asked. “Yea much I just needed to sleep it off” I said going to sit on the couch. CC came and sat by me moving me so I’m leaning against him. “Hey there” he said stroking my hair. “Hello” I said looking up at him. I guess I was still tired because the last thing I remember was that and then waking up to people taking pictures of me and CC and then giggling. Wow soo mature I thought. CC just turned blocking me from cameras and fell back asleep. My eyes decided it was still sleep time so I did the same.

(lexi’s pov.)

I had fallen asleep in Andy’s arms. God that will take some time for me to get used too. I looked up at Andy thinking how adorable he is then my blatter decided I needed to pee. I really didn’t want to move incase it woke him but I knew I needed too. I unwrapped my self from Andy and got up passing Anna and CC on the way. It was so cute how could I not take a picture and apparently I wasn’t the only one with the idea. Soon enough there were a bunch of people taking pictures of everyone who was being adorable, had a fucked up face, or who was just straight up fucked up. As I was walking I realized someone had gotten busy last night antiquing people haha whoever did that is fucked. This will be a funny video once everyone is awake I thought. 

(CC’s Pov) 

When I woke up the second time I decided that I should actually get up. I picked Anna up so I could move then I walked into the kitchen to make food because for some odd reason I decided to be helpful. In the end I had made a shit ton of pancakes, eggs, bacon and a whole bunch of other types of food. I guess people could smell the food because soon I was joined by a bunch of tired looking people. The next thing I heard was Ash and a few other people yelling. “okay who the fuck antiqued me. Lexi just sat there laughing so all eyes turned to her. “you mother fucker.” Jayy said. “No no no wait don’t hurt me I swear it wasn’t me I was just laughing because I already knew it happened and whoever did it is brilliant.” She said still laughing. Ash still stood there looking pissed until some chick came over and hugged him. “It’s okay babe look I got antiqued too.” She said looking innocent. “Oh my god that’s brilliant” I apparently said out loud. People started looking at me weird. “Oops didn’t mean to say that out loud but may as well explain. What I said was brilliant was someone antiquing people then antiquing them selves so people wouldn’t suspect them.” I said as all eyes turned back to the girl hugging on Ash. I soon heard foot steps coming down the stairs to see a confused Anna. “Who antiqued who and why wasn’t I involved.” She said.

Dark EyesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang