Jennie Kim!!!!

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Lisa's POV

Hmm what is this weird thing in my face? 


Maybe I'm dreaming and its just my saliva flowing in my face. Hehe...Pfft forget about it. I want to sleep mooore.


Sniff sniff ...Wait what the fuck is that awful shitty smell? The scent smells so real.

I'm sleeping soundly when I felt this sticky liquid flowing in my face. At first I thought I'm just dreaming and it's just my saliva flowing in my face. And my mind is just playing tricks on me...but its not. 

I open my eyes and touched my face with my both hands. Yeah I'm a fucking idiot, I smudge it in my face.

"What the heck is this!! bluughhh". I almost throw up in my bed. Fuck.

"What the fu...bluuughhh!". I ran towards my bathroom to throw up.

"It's a fucking rotten.....blughhh! ". I can't help it. I'm sorry self.

 I can't believe that there's a rotten egg in my face so early in the morning. God of Unicorns why! oh why! That girl is not human. She's a devil personified. Pure evil living in human flesh.
Fuck I'm going to punish you little beyotch ! Wait for my revenge!


There goes my first day as a babysitter of Jennie Kim. 

a/n yow yow yow jenlisa! what do you think??? you can vote or leave a comment to make this story more interesting. Sorry for the errors wahhh. 

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