Chapter 3

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I hear a knock at my door and Evan stirs in his sleep a little, I get up from his grasp slowly not wanting to wake him up . I open the door to see Edward , I walk out and close the door softly.

I lean on the door and shrug my shoulders waiting for him to talk, he looks distressed.
"Grace we're not going to school, we're leaving town tomorrow" he says not looking at me
"Edward you can't be serious, we just came back and I've finally found someone. I'm not leaving Evan , you can't do this." I touch his face making him look at me.

"What's the reason, it better be a valid reason for me to leave Evan and Mia." I cross my arms.
"After what happened with Bella and Jasper, I can't risk her safety like that anymore. You and Evan were also standing close to Jasper what if Evan got hurt, what if we couldn't assuage Jasper quick enough." He says now looking at me firmly

"That's no fair Edward, you know I'll go wherever family goes and you're using that against me. I feel myself start to lose my anger
"You can ruin this for you but you can't ruin this for me , I love him I can't just leave him!"

Edward grabs both of my shoulders "Grace you know it's better if we just disappear, it's the right thing to do. I apologize but it seems as if you don't have any other choice but to let him go."
I breathe out and give Edward a melancholic expression , "Fine" I hope he doesn't plan on ever talking to me again because I plan on ignoring him for all eternity, misery just loves company huh, I wish it didn't often request for mine.

Edward looks at me firmly but I can see the hurt in his eyes " One last thing, don't contact Bella or respond to her calls or texts , she needs to grieve and forget us. After I tell her I'm leaving her today , we'll leave town immediately."

I grow angry and resentful balling up my fists, and he places his hand on my shoulder noticing my rage "Edward unless you want to me to burn you I'd advise you to take your hand off of me and take you and your self pity party up to your room. I'd like to spend time with my Evan before I'm forced to leave him." Edward speeds up to his room and  I walk back into mine just in time , Evan's eyes flutter and then open, he starts to look around for me.

I climb on to the bed and he lays back down wrapping his arms around me kissing my forehead. "Grace you seem tense , you okay?"
He says becoming more awake.
" I'm fine , I promise and I'm not going anywhere, you can go back to sleep, you need rest for school tomorrow."

Evan kisses my head"I don't think I'll go tomorrow, we should just stay and spend the day together, missing one school day won't hurt .I already texted my Dad so he can call me off." Little does he know that today will be the last day that we spend together, this hurts so bad I don't think I can say goodbye. Evan deserves so much more than this, he's too wonderful to be abandoned.

"Babe what's wrong are you okay, you're usually not this quiet."Evan squeezes me tightly and lovingly , I feel so safe in his arms even though I'm the deadly one.

"Just something that's bothering me but we can talk about it tomorrow" I reassure him.

"You sure you don't wanna talk about it now, I don't have a problem listening to you especially when something's bothering you" He rubs my back.

"I'm sure, we can talk about it tomorrow there'll be plenty of time to discuss it" I reassure him trying to get him to not worry.
He lays his head back down and never loosens his grasp around me , and I wrap my legs around his torso.

I pretend to sleep because he doesn't know that I don't sleep , I wanna tell him that personally. I think all the questions he has are cute and interesting, hopefully I can answer them all. I've already hunted before the party just to make sure I won't be starving around him , human blood doesn't really bother me anymore anyway. That's why I didn't even flinch when Bella got cut up or when she was bleeding heavily due to James' attack.

I turn on Heroes by David Bowie with my remote but I play it low so it won't wake Evan who is now asleep. I close my eyes and imagine the beautiful future that awaits , this can't possibly be the end for us. I won't let my family's bad decisions determine my future.

Hours have went by as I lay with Evan wishing that it could last forever but time is a friend to no being, living or undead. The sun begins to rise again and I dread the upcoming morning, I get up to cook Evan some breakfast.

"Graceee where are you going?" He pouts and reaches his arms out to me, I get away before he can catch me.

"Ev I'm going to cook you breakfast" I wink at him before I speed downstairs. I hear his feet run down the stairs .
"Wow you're fast, I'm never going to get used to that" he says amazed

"I'm pretty sure you will" I say grabbing the pancake batter ,eggs , and grits , Evan doesn't eat pork and the only breakfast meat we have is bacon. I pour the pancake mix into the pan making 1 big pancake, next I scramble and season the eggs in the other pan.  I stir the grits in the red pot.

I see Jasper come out of him and Alice's room, he smiles at Evan "Hey , I don't think we've ever actually had a conversation before, but I'm Jasper as you know already. I apologize for my behavior last night, it was never my intent to lose control like that."

Evan waves his hand "It's fine, accidents happen, we live , grow and move past it, you didn't bother me plus I can empathize with the fact that you haven't been away from blood that long."
Jasper sends him a genuine smile before walking into another room grabbing a newspaper.

I set up Evan's plate and put strawberries for eyes , a blueberry for a nose and whipped cream as a smile on his big pancake. I season his eggs and grits and place them onto his plate "Done" I sit his plate down in front of him he smiles greatly. I pour him some water in a cup and place it on the side of his plate, he doesn't really like juice in the morning.

He cuts and takes a bite out of his pancake "So you can't really eat human food can you?"

"Well I can, I would just have to cough it back up later, my body won't allow me to digest it since I'm no longer living" I simply shrug.

" How come you're not so bothered by human blood, you don't seem jumpy like that towards me ever" He then eats his eggs

"I have great control over my impulses and emotions, I've put myself around human blood constantly at one point by going with my non vegetarian friends when they hunted so I could get used to it. Now I am no longer tempted by human blood, I won't let my impulses control me."

"Man you're very determined, so if you're real what else is?" He finishes up his eggs and grits

"Well there's werewolves" I  sit down next to him, his eyes widen.
"Do they eat humans, and can they harm you ?"

"There's two versions, there's shapeshifters and then there's children of the moon, the real werewolves." I shrug
"I'll tell you the rest when you're done eating."
He nods then proceeds to dig in, I laugh at him , what am I going to do with you Evan.

The Past|Twilight:New Moon|Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora