Chapter 8

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Things haven't been worse, much to my surprise. Bella's taking an interest in our old childhood friend Jacob. We went to the junkyard to get these really dirty and torn up motorcycles. It was a good idea and excuse for her to be near or close to Jacob, he's a nice guy so I'm not worried. I feel like everything will soon fall into place.
We get pull up to Jacob's home and get out of the car. Jacob runs up to Bella excitedly , catching her off guard.

"Bella, where the hell have you been local!"
Jacob hugs her tightly. Bella giggles awkwardly as he lifts her up off of the ground.

"I don't know where I've been" Bella replies casually.

Jacob looks at me shocked "And you've brought little Evan with you" he says teasing me. I was called little Evan when we were younger because I was very scrawny and short.
It was such an awkward phase that I am glad to be over. I got sick of people who didn't know me that well telling me to eat more , when I actually ate a lot.

"Yeah yeah yeah" I say as we both hug each other tightly.
"It's good to see you both again, honestly" Jacob says happily

"Well we brought you something, it kind of crazy" Bella and I lift the cover off of the bikes

"Wow, scrap metal you shouldn't have" Jacob smiles

"We saved it from the junkyard, you know it'll probably cost more to fix than they're worth unless we had a mechanic type friend to help" Bella says to Jacob

"Me being the mechanic type friend" Jacob says nodding his head

"Yeah that's right" she responds

"You do know the parts are going to be expensive right" Jacob raises his eyebrows at Bella

"I have a college fund that I can blow through, Charlie doesn't have to know"

"So, lying to your dad, and trying to rebuild dangerous motorcycles, that you're going to ride" Jacob slightly cuts his eyes, in a way that shows he's studying her.

"I understand if you think it's stupid and reckless" Bella tries to hide her disappointment

"It's completely stupid and reckless, so when do we start?" Bella's sprit brightens almost instantly.

"Now please!" Bella chuckles happily

"Okay okay" Jacobs laughs and gestures to me so I can grab the two other bikes
"Be careful you guys, the bikes are kind of heavy"
We grab the bikes effortlessly and Bella is shocked.

"Woah , you guys are buff like really buff, I know Evan's 18 but Jake you're 16 like how."

"Age is just a number baby, what are you now like forty" I laugh at Jacob's joke

"Feels like that sometimes" Bella responds

I chuckle as we head into the garage, at least we're out of the house again. I have no problem being there for Bella but being in the house all the time is depressing itself. No wonder why she has no means to get better.

There was some really good music playing as we were working on the bikes. Bella went and turned the music off. I exhale and keep on working on the bike.

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