Chapter 10

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I closely watch Evan walking to his car I get ready to follow close behind him like I always do. It seems he always is trying to go everywhere when he knows vampires linger in the shadows, especially in this shabby little town. Vampires pass through this area more than any other area alone. It's like a common passage way for us. That's probably why this town barely has a great population, if I was human I wouldn't want to move to a town where there's frequent deadly animal attacks.

It's almost like a death sentence moving here unless you don't believe things like that can happen to you. It's usually those people who those things happen to. Funny how life actually works, the inevitable just waiting to happen.
I remember how fun it used to feel living like that, living with an actual purpose.

Now I'm just living constantly trying to find my purpose over and over again within my own version of eternity. I'm broken out of my deep thoughts as quickly as I've entered them. I feel something new.

I feel a presence near me , of course not it's not completely aware of me though. As soon I take notice of this, the unthinkable happens.

A red head woman tries to come up behind him, I quickly grab her and throw her away from him. She tries to go for him again, this time she actually grabs him, lifting him off the ground. As she goes to bite him I forcefully grab her making her let him go. I throw her up in the air away from Evan, he looks at both of us puzzlingly concealing his fear.

She flips as she's in the air and lands on her feet. Her eyes meet mine and we stare into each other's eyes studying each other carefully. It was almost as if we made a connection, both of us determined to find someone or something. Believe it or not, this isn't our first encounter and I doubt it'll be our last if I don't find what I seek. She then takes off deep into the woods, I quickly run after her.

It's like she has an instinct for danger, she always gets away from whatever or whoever is chasing her. I do believe that I could catch her though, I am an amazing tracker and hunter. I always find my quarry,plus I'm a fast runner. Being gifted with immortality sort of magnified my instincts so I'm even better than before.  I don't want to catch her though, her gift to allude danger is unique, too special to destroy.

Well I wouldn't want to destroy her but if she tries to go for him again, it'll be the last thing she ever does. I will protect him at all costs and if it means I have to kill her then so be it.

We come across two humans, I smell a wet dog stench in the area. These things always end up running me out of the woods or chasing me into the water over the Canadian border.
I climb a tree and sit to study my surroundings, I need to examine the area more before I can take off. It wouldn't even be a fair fight if they caught me anyway, I could easily wipe them out just running off of my instincts with no fighting plan.

The woman was creeping around the humans closely but quietly. She gets close to one of them but the other notices her, he must also suspect what she is because he raises his gun ready to shoot.  It's too bad he wasn't quick enough, she darts towards him , picks him up with one hand raising him in the air. A wolf tackles her and she drops him.  She then flips in the air landing on her feet once again.

As soon as a pack of wolves start to approach her. She holds her stare with the one who tackled her then when he gets close enough to bite her, she quickly flips over him and takes off. Its not long before I am noticed too, I make my escape as well, I can't have anyone suspecting that I'm here, not yet.

I swing from tree to tree, quickly but gracefully, I used to climb and swing from trees all the time when I was younger. Especially during battle, the enemies would never see it coming, I almost always won a fight. The number of trees began growing scarce so I stop eventually jumping down to run as fast as I wanted from these big fur balls. I wasn't killing anyone or anything so I don't know why they always bother.

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