Chapter twenty-eight

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Januari POV

I woke and my nostrils were burning, I quickly got out of bed and checked the other bedrooms I seen that no one was there, I ran down stairs and seen there was a huge fire I ran to the sink grabbed a bowl of water and tossed it on the stove.

I looked over at Cam and he was sleeping and smiling I became frustrated and poured a glass of water on him.

"AHHH WHAT THE FUCK JANUARI!!!!" He yelled and I'm pretty sure the neighbors heard him also.

"Well obviously if you weren't having wet dreams you would have noticed that the kitchen was on fire"

He quickly got up and ran to the stove checking the oven

"Ahhh shit shit shit SHIT!!"

I ran over to him and seen there was a circular pan in the oven, it looked like he was trying to bake something, not to mention that today was my birthday.

"Happy birthday?!" He said walking closer to me to his hanging low which I picked up with my index finger.

It was awfully cute how he decided to make me a cake even though he almost burned down the house in the process. I helped him clean up the kitchen and we sat on the couch.

"So what do we do now?" He asked staring at me.

I honestly didn't know the answer to that question so I just shrugged my shoulders.

He then out of nowhere hopped off the couch and pulled me off too,

"Get dressed I'm taking you on a birthday adventure"

As much as I loved shopping I could let him spend money on me and besides Mark left me my birthday money so I'll just go shopping with that.

I ran upstairs took a shower and got dressed it was way too warm in November so I decided to wear a nice fitted dress.

I did my hair applied some lipstick a touch of mascara and waited downstairs. Thirty minutes later Cameron came downstairs looking sexy as ever

Once he laid his eyes on me I became a little nervous

"Wow you look sexy I mean good"

I smiled shyly

"Thank you Cam you look handsome yourself"

He held out his hand and we exited his house and got into his car.

_____AT THE MALL_____

Once we arrived I quickly got out and fixed myself up, Cameron said he had to do something so I walked in the mall all alone once I entered all eyes were on me a group of guys I noticed from school were standing there staring at me.
It was extremely uncomfortable because I was use to guys making fun of me and calling me names, one boy I recognized with waves winked at me and walked over to me.

"Wassuh Januari I see you looking good and errthang, what's the occasion?"

I had a crush on Tay Johnson since last year so I didn't mind giving him the scoop.

"Today's m-my birthday" I stuttered its been almost a year since I liked him and he still gave me butterflies.

"Oh well happy birthday, look just in case you having a shitty birthday you call me and I can it juicy for yah." He said licking his lips, He gave me his phone and I quickly entered in my number.

"Coo I'll text you later?"

"Yeah sounds good" I walked off and went to Forever 21, I looked around at all the cute clothes.

I picked out a few nice outfits and went to go pay

Once I walked to the register a young light skin guy walked up and ringed my belongings.

"Ight ma that'll be $12.45"

I had to make sure this fool wasn't lying to me cuz like I said I had got a few outfits and I know the prices on them.tags weren't cheap

"Uhm I think you rung up the prices wrong "

He laughed at me

"Nah it's on me I just used my little discount card Ion want a beautiful girl like you to pay too much"

I handed him a twenty dollar bill and told him to keep the change.

Before I could leave he handed me my receipt I looked it over and seen he had wrote his number down.

J'shawn 378-221-6758 call me Ma I think you sexy asf.

I couldn't believe the nerve of him I wear something that fits my body shape perfectly and now I got niggas coming at me left and right, if this is what it feels like to have a nice figure like this then I'll just become bed ridden and eat my life away like those people on that show.

I gather my bags and headed to the car, I was not trying to stay here and have these thirsty ass niggas drool all over me today.

Cameron POV

I pulled up at the mall I wanted Januari to go on a shopping spree, I handed her my black card but she declined and said she had her own money.

She got out the car and walked towards the mall I stayed behind and called my friend Neek to set up a little dinner date for Januari and I

Once the date was set up I was about to get out but I had got notification from instagram.

I checked it and seen I was tagged in a post.

It was a collage of pictures of me and Gypsy from when we were dating.

I texted her and told her to take it down but she refused.

Why do exes always got to start some shit for? And she just had to do it on Jan's birthday.

I wasn't in the mood to go shopping so I just stayed in the car. A hour later she had came back with twenty something bags, I hopped out the car and helped her.

"Where we're you?" She asked in a rude tone

Damn she was just in a good mood not to long ago.

Wonder who pissed in her Cereal

I got in the car and drove back to the house.

___At the house__

I helped her with her bags and I had to go

"Wait were you going?" She asked looking upset

I grabbed my keys I had put on the coffee table

"Look I'll be back later on there's food in the fridge go nuts I love you"

I blew her a kiss and left the house.

I had to go over gypsies' house to get her to remove that post or Januari was going to kill my ass.

Januari outfit in MM



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