Chapter thirty-seven

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Mark POV

My baby sister had the best birthday party ever thanks to me and Her dad, she's been stressing a lot lately so I made it extremely special for her.

I had Cameron come over and hide in the living room the whole time because I could see how she was stressing about him not being here. But I hooked her up and I was surprised how he decided to text me for advice of all people and I was wondering how he had got my number but whatever I'm glad he did.

I just hope they ain't fucking!!!!

I pulled up in front of Club Spicy showed my ID and went to go sit at the bar. The bartender was a Caucasian dude with blue eyes dude looked like he belonged in a magazine, once he seen me his demeanor changed from straight to gay which made me very uncomfortable.

"Hey sweet thang what can I get you?" He had a nice set of pearly whites and to me that was a big turn on.

"I'll take a couple shots of Hennessey please" I yelled over the music playing.

He gave me a nod and poured my shots, I was waiting for my date to arrive but he didn't, so I just stayed at the bar and kept getting shots. By the time I was wasted and I know there was no way I'm driving home tonight I  guess I'll call a cab.

"Damn you don't look so good why don't I take you home?" He was a creepy old dude but whatever I just wanted to go home get under my blankets and play some smooth Jazz and be depressed.

"O-ooooo kayyyyyy!!!" I grabbed my jacket and the stranger helped me out the back door and down the steps.

We walked to his truck which was 2017 Ram.

"So where do you live sexy?" He asked staring at me.

"245 Angles beak land" I thought about what I said yeah that sounds about right.

A few moments later I was messed up, I felt the car stop and I seen that we were in a dark secluded area

Uh uh this ain't my house

I tried to get out but the doors were locked, I pressed the unlock button but it wouldn't work I then started to pound on the window but I got hit in the back of the head.

"AHHHH!!!" I screamed out but his hand covered my mouth it was hard to breathe so I scrambled around in my seat but that only made matters worse.

I was struck in the face with his face and I felt my nose oozing with blood.

"If you scream or try to break free from my grip again I'll kill your faggot ass"

I nodded my head and he pulled out a gun from the glove compartment, he pointed it in my direction and Immediately became scared for my life.

He hopped out the car and came walking over to my side and he opened it for me

"Get out" I hopped out and watched his every move, he walked me behind the building and hovered over me, he started kissing my neck roughly and ripped open my shirt, he then unzipped his pants exposing his extremely small erection.

"Bend over and like I said if you scream your DEAD" he got behind me forced my pants down and shoved himself inside of me I didn't want to lose my life so even it was painful I kept my hand over my mouth the entire time the only noise you could hear was him groaning and moaning. The thing I didn't quite understand was how was he gone call me a faggot and he doing me???

After he finished he told me to get dressed and I did I turned my back towards him and I seen him with the gun facing at my head.

If I'm about to die then just let my sister know I love her with all my heart.

I closed my eyes and the next thing I heard was gunshots


I collapsed to the ground holding my chest I was in shock at how much blood I was losing, the stranger took off in the heap of the night, I felt my breathing get shorter and shorter and my heart was beating slowly


I laid on my back and stared at the stars. I seen my vision go black and my eyes began to close......

My life is over.


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