Train Wreck

68 34 45

Life is no truth or dare

Just so, I still acted so dumb and dared

Like a daredevil doing the thrilling stunts

Riding on the blink of life and death

Determined in a bli-neder nobody asked me for

All for the woos and three cheers

Calling me the man, the champ

So had a few bottles with a side-dish of pills,

Lost my thoughts,

Then my conscious

Then my focus to the balance

Then got my express ticket through the experience

Next thing, I arise with a thumping in my chest

My head laying on a stranger's bare breast

With her whole body in the same fashion,

Matching the outfit

The thumping grows into remorse

My head complies with a headache

As I gather pieces of the aftermath freak accident.

Nauseous, I still encourage myself

Who'd get burnt by smoke without fire?

Then I realize that smoke is but a shadow of the fire

Shuttered, I freeze at the burning thought.


Sometimes teens get caught up in a web of ultimate disaster in the name of experimenting and trying to impress fellow peers. That's the whole essence of the update, addressing the burning issue of adolescence stage and it's drawbacks.

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