The Dark Side of the Noon

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"Amends can't be made to what's shattered",

They used to tell.

Yet I Foolishly strode the broken path

Searching for boundless bliss

Just to encounter a dead-end.


Everything seems to turn against me

Every step feels like a walk to my doom

Losing pieces of my mind with every breath

Breakdowns from the pressure of blending in

Inducing uncontrolled emotions

Forcibly opening the windows to my soul

A soul slowly fading away thru the tears

Resurfacing all those hidden fears

Buried underneath the boldness over the years


Every beating of my heart feels like an SOS

Calling out into the rowdy wilderness

But how can my soul be saved

If nothing is left of it?

What does it take to sacrifice?

Sacrifice to attain that everlasting smile?

For how long should I wait in vain?

Waiting for that one moment?

A moment of fulfilment and satisfactory?

~The Dark Side of The Noon~

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