Intro. Delirious? Moo. ~ 1

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Just a quick note, I'm on a 3DS so its a bit hard for me to figure out stuff on here. I can't change the letters, like make them bold and stuff so yeaaah.. Please be friendly lolol :p

Edited on PC



Hey there, I bet most stories you read don't start like that. Hehe, well anyways I'm Shadow. Yes that IS my real name. My gamertag is Freedom, people call me Free for short. But, here we gooo..

I get startled because my alarm was buzzing and beeping loudly. "Alright fuck." I mumble as I smack it to shut up. I crawl out of my cozy bed and head to the bathroom. Once I shower and get ready for the "best day ever". Psst. Since the sarcasm? Today is my first day at the new high school. You see I just moved here from Atlanta. [IDK, I just picked somewhere xD] I brushed my black hair that, looked quite perfect today. I looked at myself in the mirror and smiled. My eyes are sorta weird  because they are more of a deep blue than the normal light blue. "SHADOW!!! YOU OUT OF BED YET?" my mother called or yelled or screamed from the kitchen. "Yeah yeah, I am" I call back as I get my backpack, and put on my totally fresh [XD] black converse. I trip and fall down the steps, losing anything I had in my backpack thingumajig. "Aw fock" i mumble. My mom didn't even look to see if I was ok. I mean I was, but how did she know? Would if I broke my ankle huh?? Okay, maybe I'm a bit paranoid because of a new school. I walk into the kitchen, grab a banana, and a coca-cola. "Have a good day sweetie!" my mom squeaked. I just sighed and shut the door behind me. Since I didn't drive yet I had to walk like 3 miles just to get to school! Its probably like a mile but still. My mom could have driven me, but nooo! She hasn't been herself since her ex boyfriend ran out on her. He was a total dick anyways. My mom and me used to have a good relationship, but I don't know what happened. I got a text from my boyfriend Teddy, and it said "Hey, I'm not able to come down to Cali. I gotta stay here in Atlanta. Sorry babe. :(". I frowned.

Since I wasn't paying attention and walked right into someone and fell on my butt. Shit. I thought. "Sorry." I say quickly and quite. The guy turned around, looked at me and said with a wink "Not a problem babe". Holy shitski'! He had a bright blue hoodie, black pants, black shoes, and a hockey mask on. He looked like H2O Delirious's GTA V character. Oh yes, how could I forget to tell you lovely people that I'm a complete youtube GTA V fangirl nerd. I completely love H2O Delirious, VanossGaming, I_AM_WILDCAT, and all them others. However I do fangirl over Delirious a lot.. "Ugh, hello?" the guy said snapping me out of my thoughts. "Ugh sorry." I say quite. He smiled, I think? I can't tell under his mask. "Need a hand?" he said with a chuckle. Dafuq? I was still on the ground. I took his hand and stood up. "Thanks." i said not making eye contact. "No prob." he said still chuckling. I blinked like 400 times. Did I hear that chuckle right? Sounded like Delirious.. No way. Hes probably in Canada or something. I just remembered that I had fucking school. I take my phone from my back pocket. "Shit!" i said realizing that I sat on my phone. Great. Fucking beautiful. Now its like frozen or something. "Damn. Nice one." the guy said again with that chuckle. I just tried to get my phone to work. Damn it! I sigh. "Do you have the time?" I ask the guy. I again didn't look at him. "Yep but you don't." he said laughing at his own joke. I glared at him. Stuffing my pretty much useless phone in my bag, i walked away from the laughing guy. What is it about him? I can't look him in the eyes. Maybe because he reminds me of Delirious, and I don't want to meet him that way? I don't know. I finally got to the school, and went to the office where a man who looked bored spinning around in his chair, was behind the only desk. "Ugh, I'm the new student Shadow Clover" i finally spoke after 5 minutes of watching the guy spin. "Oh yes, Shadow. Here is your classes and times. Hmm.. New student, big school. I'll have someone show you around." the man said handing me a small paper and looking at the phone on the desk. "Hey, yeah new student. No, I thought he was- Oh! Alright. Yep that's fine. Alrighty tighty. Bye." the guy said then hung up. "Ugh, thanks." I said looking at the paper. "Sure, sure! The guy showing you around is Brock." the man said, as I guess Brock walked in and eyed me. "This is Shadow?" Brock questioned. "Yes, I am she." I said looking at him. Brock laughed. He waved his hand signaling for me to follow. I did so.

"So, I'm Moo. You can call me either or. I dont care." Moo said as we got to a locker. "Moo?" I asked. "Yeah, don't you watch YouTube, or play GTA V?" he asked kinda shocked. "Oh shit! You are Moo! Wow." I said slightly amazed. He chuckled "Yep. This is your locker." he showed me my locker, and after I put my things in there we walked around and talked for a while. "Hey, do you wanna meet Delirious, Vanoss, Mini, Lui, Nogla, Lui's girl, Wildcat, and me?" Moo asked with a big smile. I laughed. "Hell yeah!" "Fantastic!" he said loudly and grabbed my hand. We ran, literary ran, down the halls. My hands started to sweat as I heard Vanoss laugh and Lui's sqeaker voice.

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