Temptation ~ 4

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~ 1 month later ~

It's been a month since I talked to Delirious. I find myself thinking about him a lot. Asking myself why he kept up our friendship for 3 years. I obviously havn't got over him. The only one I talk to anymore is Lui. He says that Delirious has not been himself since that day at the mall. Vanoss isn't any different. Delirious does text me daily but I don't text back. Just then I get a call from Delirious. "Should I talk to him?" I say out loud...

D - Shadow?

Me - What?

D - I'm sorry. Can we meet up somewhere?

Me - I honestly don't know if I can trust you anymore. Can I Delirious, can I?

He sighed. D - Yes. Please?

Me - Fine where?

D - The park?

Me - K. See you there in?

D - 15 minutes?

Me- Yeah fine.

I hang up before he could say anything else. I felt like crying. I felt like I was being a complete bitch. My eyes tear up. Blinking them away, I walk to my car.

~ At the park.... ~

Once parked I see Delirious already waiting. Walking to him I think, would if he is a dick about it? Would if he.. I don't know.. "Hey.." He trailed off. "Hello." I say with no emotion. He stepped closer to me and hugged me. He started mumbling but all I caught was "I'm so sorry, I was a dick, I am a dick, forgive me?, I think I love you..." I don't think he meant to say the last part because he said that real quite. "What was that?" "I-i said forgive me?" I smiled. "Of course." We laughed and talked saying how stupid it was. He said he did it before he really got to know me, once he did he totally forgot about the bet. As for Vanoss and Moo, I have no idea. How could I stay mad at him? I love him. [Alright when Delirious talks it will be bold, when I talk it will be this, kay?]

On a scale of 1 - 10 your a 9 since I'm the 1 you need.

Haha, Really?


Delirious, can we be honest?

Of course Free.

Well um.. I might have a tiny little crush on you?

Ha, tiny little? Are you sure about that babe?


He stepped real close to me. Looked into my eyes and said "You know your eyes make me so Delirious." We laughed lightly. He leaned in. Just then his phone started to ring. He sighed and stepped back. "Yeah? I am. So what? Don't be a bitch. Fuck you bitch." he said with a laugh and hung up. "Hey, do you wanna play some GTA with the guys?" he asked. "Ugh yeah, why not?" I said with a smile. I went into my room and he went into my living room. I had a PS3 in my room, and a Xbox in the living room. I didn't mind, I preferred the PS3 anyways. I signed on and got on GTA. I looked to see who was on. "Lui, Vanoss, Wildcat, and Droidd." I say aloud. I spawn into the game. "Free!!!" Lui and Wildcat yell. "Lui!! Wildcat!!" I yell back and run over to them. We stab each other and laugh as we all die at the same time. "H2O Delirious is online. H2O Delirious has joined GTA V." "Delirious is on Freeee.." Lui said in his squeaker voice. Wildcat and me laugh. Delirious spawned by me. Weird. "Um.. Ello there." I laugh. "What the hell?" Delirious said laughing. Soon everyone in the lobby was laughing. We deiced to do a mission. We picked one that we had to steal a plane and get money or something, I forget what it was called. "I see the plain guys!" I yell over all their loud talking. "Get it!" Droidd yelled. I did. I was flying and didn't see the plain that everyone was in and hit into it. Both blew up, everyone died. "WHAT THE FUCK?!?" Vanoss yelled while everyone laughed. "Dude calm. Its only a game." Delirious said while laughing. We recorded and played for hours. At one point Delirious tried to rap but failed. I ended up singing his "Delirious outta my mind" song.

~ After GTA ~

I said goodbye to everyone and got off, went to the kitchen and saw Delirious there too. "Hey, nice singing." He said while pouring soda. "Ha, thanks." I say while jumping up and sitting on the counter. He looked at me and came over, came close again, almost leaned in and his phone rang again. This kept happening every time he tried to kiss me.. Until.. 2 hours later.. I was sitting on the couch bored outta my mind when Delirious sat by me and looked at me. "Your beautiful you know." Him saying this out of no where made me blush like crazy. "Your cute when you blush." He said with a laugh. Only making me blush more. He came real close and because of the way I was sitting on the couch when he moved closer to me, he made me lay on my back. He ended  up on top of me. His lips inches away from mine...

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