I'm so Delirious (Fanfic) 2.0

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Hey people ^_^ So I'm not completely happy with this story. I feel like its all over the place. I've been reading other fanfics and have been getting more ideas. I've ran out of things to write for this story. Soo.. I'm canceling this story and going to start fresh. The new story is going to be called that same thing, but with 2.0 after it. Just so it's more clear, I'm going to put cancelled in the title of this one. Link is below. ^_^ I hope you guys like the new story! Be sure to do the same for the new one that you did for this one for me kay? :P Get that? xD Alrighty..

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Don't stop dreaming just because others think its impossible.

~ CANCELLED ~ I'm so Delirious (Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now