I'm you your meh? WTF XD ~ 6

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Hey! :D I'm sorry if I've dropped off here. I know your probably tired of update chapters. So for now on, I'm going to say what I need to say at the beginning of a new chapter. Also the third person part is kinda says where every ones relationship is.~

~ Last chapter recap ~

Free and Delirious finally kissed. Well this is not much of a recap but yep :P


~ Third Person POV ~

Delirious and Freedom have been dating for 3 months. Not one fight. Some may say it's not normal. That even the most perfect couple has at least one fight every now and again. However that's just how they are. They've been growing closer over the months. When Delirious looks at Freedom anyone can see that Delirious truly loves her. Delirious has not told her yet. Freedom hints around it. She loves him and knows he loves her. Doesn't he? Just the question of "does he really love me?" is always floating around in Freedom's mind. As for Freedom, every time she looks at him, she feels like the world might as well stopped. Mini Ladd and Freedom have become close friends. It's almost like they are related. They have that brother sister relationship. Mini and Delirious have been friends for a year now. [Idk if that is really how long they've been or not. :3]  Moo Snuckel and Freedom still don't get along. Delirious still chats with him every now and again.  Vanoss and Freedom are friends. Delirious and him have always been friends. Wildcat and Free are great friends as well. Lui and Free are ofcourse still "besties".  

~Freedom's POV ~


"Nope. I'm not hiding in this hole Vanoss." I heard Delirious say trying to hold back his evil laugh. He must have been playing Gmod. I don't quiet understand it. Every time I look at Delirious I feel like my world stops, just for that second. Every time I hear his laugh I can't help but to smile. I end up smiling like some kind of creepy stalker guy. That's what comes with love I guess. ^_^

~Delirous POV~

"Goddammit. Delirious you dick." Vanoss said laughing after I blew him up. "Hey I'm gonna go for the day. Talk you later man." I said putting the controller by the Xbox. "You gonna go get some of dat ass?" Vanoss laughed. "Fuck you." I laughed and turned it off. [The Xbox.. o.O]  I'm on my way to fuck your bitch. [XD] I went to the living room to find Free laughing at the show on TV.  God, I love her, But why can't I tell her how I truly feel?

~Freedom's POV~

I heard Delirious come in the room so I turned around. He then came and plopped beside me. We smiled at each other. A little kiss for da road eh mate? [XD Ok.. Idk... I'm tired XD] "So do ya love me Delirious crazeh?" I laughed lightly. "Mmm, maybe I just love your food. You know I want foood.. I need fooood..." He said smiling. I couldn't help but to laugh.


Mini just joined. "Guys, I'm doing a Q&A, and one question was "Where do you see yourself in 10 years." he said. "Shouldn't you answer that? Not us?" Wildcat said. "I already did. I thought the subs would wanna see what you guys had to say." Mini answered back quickly. "So guys?" he asked again. Vanoss and Wildcat said they say them selves making a video game or some shit. It was my turn.. No its Delirious. "I see myself sitting on my ass with a 24 pack of beer to my side. Kay?" He said laughing. I looked around to see Delirious and the future.. me? Siting together. Sudenly Delirious stood up and got a box. "Would you marry me?" Of couse I said yes. Then I saw a child? Oh god. Delirious had a knife in his hand. "SHUT THE FUCK UPP." He cried/yelled at the crying child. I laughed. I smiled. "I see myself running around butt naked in the wild." I said laughing. "Alrighty then." Wildcat laughed. Everyone else laughed along.

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