Vanoss, Lui, Delirious, and laughs ~ 2

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Be warned, swearing is involved. ^_^


"Damn. Your hands are all like sweaty and stuff." Moo said with a laugh. I smiled and looked at my shoes. We turned into a room. I saw Vanoss and Lui sitting at a table, when they noticed me they eyed me. Vanoss kept checking me out. I felt uncomfortable. "Hey guys, this is Freedom." Moo said waving his hands over me. I chuckled quietly. "Where are the rest of the guys?" Moo said sitting next to Vanoss signaling me to sit down also. I sat beside Lui, I felt uncomfortable with Vanoss eyeing me. "Who knows? Jacking off? Skipping? In class?" Vanoss said no taking his eyes off me. They laughed. "So, Free you new here? I've never seen you around." Lui said glaring at Vanoss. "Yeah. I just moved here from Atlanta." I said seeing that Vanoss finally stopping eyeing me. "Oh cool!" Lui said giving Vanoss a "WTF man?" look.

~2 hours later!~

The final bell rang. I went to my locker got my bag and went to close the door, when someone bumped into me. "Oh sorry." the guy said. He turned around and so did I. It was Lui. We chuckled. I got to know Lui, Vanoss, and Moo a little bit better. Even Mini showed up. Delirious never came though. Lui and I actually became best friends in like 2 hours. Vanoss and I are nothing more than buddies. Moo and I are great friends now too. Mini and I didn't really talk. He seemed to ignore me. Fine fuck you too. [xD] Mini said he had to go, so Lui, Vanoss, Moo and me deiced to go to the mall. There we met up with Delirious. "Hey, your the one who trashed their phone this morning right?" Delirious asked me. "Hey, your the one who laughed at me trashing my phone this morning right?" I answered back, a bit too snappy. He only laughed. I smiled. What the hell? I felt a strange tingle when he smiled at me. Did I have a crush on him? Why don't I feel this when Teddy smiles at me? "Hello? Earth to Free??" Lui said in his squeaker voice. I laughed. "Yep. I spaced out sorry." We all walked around for awhile. Moo walked off with some girl, she looked like a cheap hooker. Blah. She made me gag. Lui laughed at me because I actually did gag. Lui grabbed my hand and interlocked our fingers. I gave a look. He only smiled. I played along. Did he like me? Nah. He's like the brother I never knew I had. Vanoss gave Lui a angry look. I ended up laughing at his reaction. Delirious was laughing his ass off. Since his laugh is highly contagious we all ended up laughing loudly. We got kicked out of the mall for being to loud.

~2 years later!~

We were all 18 now. I had gotten my dream car <3 Mini and I still didn't get along. Moo and I grew apart because he only hung out with "the wrong crowd". Vanoss and I became pretty good friends. I can trust him now. Lui and I are still besties, hes like a brother to me. I literally tell him everything. Delirious and I became best friends too. However with Delirious I felt different. I can't lie to myself anymore. I was in love with Delirious! Teddy never came to visit me, so I broke up with him over the phone and told him I was in love with someone else anyways. I was just sitting on my bed with I got a text from Lui..

Lui :D! : Hey smexyii

Me : Lmao, wasup kid?

Lui :D! : How could you? I'm no kid :(

Me : :( I know sorry. Forgive me??

Lui :D! : You know I can't stay mad at my bestie! :D

Me : Yay! :D :D

Lui :D! : Anyways. Wanna come ova for a part-A? Lets see, Me, you, Vanny, Lirious, Moo, Mini, and some others will be there.

Me : Yaa.. Why not? I gotta tell you something anyways. (:

Lui :D! : Mkays. See you in 20?

Me : Oh yeah. You already know :P

Lui :D! : Mkay. Lmao. Peace <3

Me : <3

I smiled and got into the shower, once I was done I did my hair and changed into some part-A clothes. "Mother, I'm going." I called and walked out the door. Hoped in my baby and drove to Lui's.

~At Lui's..~

I walked in and looked around. Already ready for a party. Nice. "Shadowyyy!!" Lui yelled in his squeaker voice and jumped hugged me. I laughed and hugged him back. "So what did you want to tell me?" Lui asked getting off me. "Well.. i think I might ugh.. um.. be in ugh.. love with.. Ugh.. Delirious..?" That came out more of a question. "I knew it! You always looked at him in a lovey way! Yes! I'm right!" Lui said with a wink.

~1 hour later~

Everyone was here. "Psst. Lirious is ova there babe." Lui said directing me to him. I walked over to him. "Ayee! Free!" Delirious said hugging me. "You drunk?" I asked laughing. "Nope! Just happy to see you." He said grinning large, making me blush. "Is that a blush I seek?" he chuckled. After everyone besides Vanoss, Delirious, Lui and me left we deiced to play GTA 5. Lui had 4 Xbox's in different rooms. Which I found weird. What ever though. Haha. We all logged on and began to kill each other, laughing loudly. Vanoss must have passed out because his character wasn't moving, all we heard was snoring. Delirious logged off and went into Lui's room. I got off too and went to Lui's room as well. "Delirious why the hell are you flopped on my bed? MY bed?" Lui said looking at a faced down Delirious on his bed. I laughed and flopped on top him. Lui jumped on and landed beside us. I rolled off of Delirious and ended up by his ass. "Ewwieee!" I squeaked at I crawled closer to Lui. Lirious laughed. We where all wasted. The last thing I remember is Lui yelling in his squeaker voice "No Delirious! Free is minee! My ass is mine too!"


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