⚔️ Erza Scarlet ⚔️

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Drabble: "You showed me love."

The One Where [Y/N] [L/N] And Erza Scarlet Get Married.


When you and Erza got engaged, she could think of only one way to get married. In the guild hall. What better way to celebrate than with family and friends? To Erza, the guild was her family.

So here Erza was, in a nice wedding gown, ready to walk down the guild hall. She had Bisca's and Alzack's daughter, Asuka, as the flower girl. Asuka walked down the hall, dropping red roses, her amber dress poofing with her.

She had Lucy and Bisca as bridesmaids, and Millianna was the bridesmaid of honor, their dresses also Amber colored. They walked behind Asuka. As they reached the altar, they stood to the side, and it was Erzas turn to walk down.

Erza started walking down the aisle, her white dress flowing with her as she took each stride. She looked at you and smiled.

She remembered the day she met you; in the tower of heaven. You gave her hope. You showed her love. Every day you were with her was like heaven on Earth.

You made her proud. You made her happy. You gave her so many emotions. She couldn't be happier that she was able to call you her husband.

You grabbed her hand as she stood in front of you. You softly smiled and looked at her. She was beautiful, and everything perfect.

You hated the tower of heaven, but couldn't be more thankful for it, for that's how you met Erza in the first place.

You had Makorav officiate. He started talking and asked for the vows.

"[Y/N], the day we met in the tower of heaven was the best of my life. You showed me love, and how to have hope. Hope that one day we'd get out of there. Here we are, and I couldn't be prouder I'm about to call you my husband/wife."

"Erza, when we met at the tower of heaven, you made me a stronger person. You make bolder, happier, braver. I won't let a day go by where you're not cherished, loved, protected."

You kissed. Your hands on her waist. Her arms wrapped around your neck. You meant what you said. There won't be a day that went by, where she wasn't cherished.


Edited: 12-14-19

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