Part two

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Fighting wasn't anything that I was good at. I never liked the meaning of fighting especially when I fighted with my father. The fights with my father was the hardest moments in my life.

It always ended up me lying on the floor beaten of my father. What can I say! My father was a strong man and I was around 10 back then.

Anyway when I was around 11 I told my father that I knew about vampires. I told him that I read books that I wasn't allowed to read just to tell him the truth so I didn't have to live with a lie.

Bit my father just started to laugh when I told him that. I thought first he just was joking or something like that but he wasn't. He laughed because of my stupidity to believe in myths. Especially myths about vampires. Pfft! Well look at me now father!

My father told me that vampires weren't real but I already knew that they were real. But to skip fighting and stuff I just agreed with father.

I continues my studies about how to work by my father's side when I get to be an adult. But that wasn't really what I wanted. I wanted something else. I wanted to learn more about feelings and to be a vampire hunter if there were any vampires here.

The thought about being a vampire hunter disappeared fast. There were no vampire hunters in the village and no one would believe me if I told them that vampires were real. I was just a kid that was 11 years old and I wasn't allowed to walk outside either. My father were really overprotective.

All my hopes and dreams never came true while I was a kid. When I graduated then everything in my life changed.

I was 25 when I finally got out from school. I was supposed to start working with my dad the next week after my graduation. I wasn't exited at all.

All I felt was emptiness and that something was missing in my life. Of course! Love was it. I never learned how to love in any way.

My father finally let me go outside the house without him for the first time after the graduation. Finally something good in life I thought. But I was kinda wrong there.

It was late and dark outside. I was on my way home from whatever I did outside. When I was walking it felt like someone was watching me. I first got a bit scared but then letted it go.

Suddenly a woman appeared from no where behind me.
The woman: "hello Mr"
I stopped and looked behind me and saw her. A young lady that looked really hot. But I didn't think it in that way back then. I was really innocent.

Me: "h-hey?"
The woman smiled and walked closer me.
Woman: "you look handsome" she giggled "do you want to make out?
Well I didn't know what she ment by that and I kinda never had seen a girl before. But I answered "yes" to her request just to test something new. After all I was adult and I could handle myself I thought. But what I was wrong.

The woman pulled me with her to an alley where no one else were at. I was very confused and I watched every move she did.

She looked very attractive which made me feel something weird in my pants. I started to blush when she pushed me against a wall. I didn't know what she was doing.

She started to kiss my "lips" softly. I just stood there confused and didn't know what to do.
Me: "w-what are you doing?"
The woman: " I'm kissing you silly~"
She started to kiss me more.

I then thought that I maybe should do the same back but I didn't exactly know how to do it. So I just tried.

I really tried to kiss back but it was really hard and tbh she was the dominant of us. She then sticked her tongue in my mouth. I'd got really surprised and when my tongues touched her tongue I started to blush a lot.

It took forever before she stopped making out with me. I can't explain exactly how it felt. It just felt.. different and.. exiting!

We looked at each other. I was speechless. She looked so pretty and.. sexy so I wanted to make out again. I asked her if we could do it again and she answered "yes" of course.

We started to make out again and then she went down a little and licked my neck. I started to blush a lot and slightly moan. But then she just bit me on my neck.

She bit my neck so hard that I started to bleed on my neck. I'd got surprised and tried to pull away but she didn't let me go away.

She started to suck my blood. It felt both weird and uncomfortable. And worst of all it hurted like hell.

I begged her to stop but she didn't listen. She was apparently stronger than me so I couldn't do anything to stop her. I really felt how my blood emptied from my body.

Everything went black and I was unconscious.

End of part two.

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