Celestial Wizard

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They soon came out of the portal with a now awoken Macao who thanked them for saving his life.

Before they could get any further though they heard a bunch of kids picking on a boy who had dark purple hair who hugged his knees as the kids around him told him off about having a dad for a Wizard

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Before they could get any further though they heard a bunch of kids picking on a boy who had dark purple hair who hugged his knees as the kids around him told him off about having a dad for a Wizard.

Macao felt bad for his son since he made him worry and left him all alone by himself, he wished he could do something but, at the moment, he couldn't think of anything.

Roxas saw the situation before putting a hand on Macao as it glowed green, Natsu and the others looked on with a questionable expression as Macao suddenly started to feel much better.

He stood up and looked at the Nobody that said "I think you should try and look cool in front of them or something." Macao smiled and disappeared in a flare of purple flames while the kids kept telling Romeo that his dad was dumb, he was stupid, and other hurtful things until his father appeared in between his son and the bullies, nonchalantly saying "Sorry I'm late son, I kinda had a few too many drink on the way back, thanks for waiting on me."

Romeo looked up at his father with wide teary eyes while Roxas and the others walked towards them. Macao smiled and pointed his thumb at the group and said "I found these guys on the hunt for me, they told me how worried you were, sorry about that son, I just wanted to celebrate my victory of defeating 35 Vulcans." Once the bullies heard that they were awestruck "Woah! 35 Vulcans!?!?"

"By yourself!?!? That... that's impossible."

Macao looked towards the kids and said "Not for a Fairytail Wizard it is, you guys just remember, the life of a Wizard is terrifying but only the brave can do it. So don't go around bullying my son cause I have a tough job." He crossed his arms with pride and said "Cause last time I checked, your parents can't even stand up against ONE, let alone 35."

Everyone knew that Macao exaggerated the number of Vulcans, in the request, it was 20 and he only defeated 19 but decided to let it slide since he was trying to look cool in front of his son.

The bullies left while Macao put his son on his shoulders, Romeo was happy again and everyone was happy about it, Macao turned to the group and said "I can't thank you guys enough for getting me out of that sticky situation."

"The one you should Thank is this one, she's the one who took you and that King Vulcan down." Said Lucy as she pointed at Xion. Macao smiled at her and said "Thank you."

"It was nothing, I'm just happy you two are back together." Said Xion as they walked away but not before Natsu looked at Romeo and said "Hey, Remember this, since your old man's a wizard, that mean you'll be one too, right? Well when you get strong, we'll go on some missions together, deal?"

Romeo looked at the pinkette with a smiled and nodded his head as they walked off. "Thank you Natsu and Happy and Lucy!" He then noticed the other two but didn't know their names. "O-Oh! Wait! You two!"

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