Catching Erigor

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Lucy's eyes fluttered open as the sun beamed down on her face, she rubbed the left over sleep out of her eyes thinking about how she's going to find out what was Loke's problem with her only to start thinking about Natsu and Happy. She felt a little bad since the two have been going on missions with her - not even asking for their half of the jewel...

Lucy: 'Maybe I should do something for them when they come back, I feel awful.' She thought to herself as she laid there, but then she turned over deciding lay in bed a while only to have her hand and part of her body caress something warm. She snapped opened her eyes and looked to see Natsu there, lightly snoring. She started to wonder if her hearing was working since she should've at least heard him but then the REAL question hit her like a pile of rocks...

"NATSU!!!!! WHY ARE YOU IN MY BED!?!?!?" She yelled with a crimson blush on her face. Natsu then slowly opened his eyes before sitting up only for Lucy to turn away as the blush got redder. "W-W-Where's your top!? Why are you even topless in my bed!?" He just looked at her red face for a minute before saying "Morning Luce."

"Bump all of that you pervert!! Why are you here!?" She said angry that her question just flew over his head. "Well, today's the day I go on my mission and I wanted to see ya." He said with a toothy grin, Lucy hated it but she started to calm down, he started to have that effect on her where he can flash her his fanged pearly whites and almost all the frustration she had with him would disappear.

"That doesn't give you the right to just up and be in my bed, Natsu." She said in a calm firm tone in her voice. Natsu looked at her confused and said "Well where else was I suppose to sleep?" Lucy looked at him incredulously and said "In your OWN bed."

"I don't have a bed, I have a hammock, obviously Lucy." He said as if he was the smart one before continuing "Besides, your bed feels much better." Lucy wasn't going to budge for him so she said "Then why don't you go and buy your own bed, Natsu? You can't keep sleeping in mine." She said before thinking 'Jeez I'm glad I decided to sleep with clothes on.'

Natsu scratches his head, he didn't know exactly what made her so angry so he just got up and put his vest back on while Lucy covered herself, even though she wasn't naked, she felt it was the right thing to do. Suddenly she noticed something was missing there isn't an annoying talking blue cat around. "Where's Happy?"

"He woke up earlier to go meet Terra and the others at the... urp train station." He said holding his mouth, the literal talk of transportation was too much for him. "Hey! Don't go blowing chunks on my carpet!" She yelled until she stopped and thought to herself, why did Natsu stay? "Wait, if Happy woke up before you, why didn't he wake you up."

"He did but, I wanted you to be up to see me off." Natsu then have her another smile which made the blush come back as she thought 'I don't know if he's flirting with me or being friendly and that's very concerning.' He then walked towards her door, opening it before saying "Good luck on your mystery finding. See ya when I get back, remember, we're gonna have a lot of training to catch up on."

"Y-Yea... sure." She said still feeling bad, since she got into Fairytail, Natsu has been there and the one time he wanted her with him she flakes. 'Sigh... whoever you are, it better be worth it, Loke.'

At the train station, Natsu finally arrived to see Happy, Gray, Erza, Aqua, Terra, and Ven there waiting for him but it was Erza who questioned him about it. "Strange, you're never late for a mission."

"Yea charcoal breath, what took ya." Gray said with a smile to get a rise out of Natsu who glared at him before saying "Well, I wanted to say bye to Lucy first." He said which brought on more questions "Lucy. That's the blonde girl I saw from yesterday, correct?"

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