Keyblade Wielding... Model?

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It's been two week since Aqua and the others have joined Fairytail and so far, things were going well.

They finally saved up enough money to start searching for an actual place for themselves, with - of course Roxas, Lea, and Xion getting a place not too far from the guild while Terra, Ven, and Aqua took one a little ways away...

Although, Aqua was having trouble on her financial end, all the big request for regular Wizards were taken and she was out of luck at the moment.

Terra and Ven said they would help her but she didn't want to accept that she came back to the guild after another quest completed but the pay wasn't as handsome as she wanted it so she went back to the quest board hoping there were some quests with bigger pay but found none.

The request board was nearly empty so she sat down rubbing her forehead wondering how she would get the extra jewel...

"Well, you don't seem too happy." Aqua looked to her right to see that it was Mira who said this so she replied with "At the moment, I'm not. I'm short 7,000 jewel and I'm trying to find a decent quest that could help me make up for it."

Mira looked at the request board and saw that it was practically empty so she said "Well, is does seem like you're in a tight spot, do you want the help?" Aqua shook her head and gave Mira a smile saying "I appreciate it but I don't want to borrow money from someone, especially if it's just given to me."

Mira figured she would say something like that, in the two weeks that she's gotten to know her and the others, they tend to do things on their own, she would see some of them go on a quest together but have heard from other members that would join them that they would stand on the side and let one of them handle the threat.

She thought about it for a moment before coming up with an idea. "You could always come with me to the Sorcerer Weekly photoshoot."

Aqua then quirked an eyebrow at her for that statement, she's heard of Sorcerer Weekly and realized that Mirajane was the top model there but to be in a photoshoot was something she was not comfortable with especially with all the things they have Mira wearing... and not wearing.

"I don't know about that, I've never really... done something like that, let alone in front of people." She said, Mira could see how uncomfortable she was so she sat down with her...

She didn't have to do her waitress rounds today since she was leaving in a little while and asked "Is it just because you don't want people to see you like that? Or because you aren't confident in your body." Aqua looked at Mira and giggled...

"I don't know if you noticed but me and Xion are surrounded by guys and to my knowledge they wouldn't seem too interested in me or her." The gears in Mira's head started to turn as her demon of shipping started to awaken to a new task until Aqua said "Plus, it's really not that I'm not confident, I'm just not comfortable with people ogling me, I'm not too fond of the attention."

Mira then smiled and said "They pay 18,000 jewel a photo." Hearing how much they paid made Aqua go silent...

She was actually thinking of doing this but she didn't want to show her body off like that. The last person who even saw her in that situation before ran off and didn't talk to her for months.

She then started to rub her temples thinking, she was in a tight spot and it's not like she has to commit to it, she sighed and looked at Mira who already knew her answer and gave her an extra ticket. "Here you go, see you in an hour." Now Aqua was surprised since she had an extra ticket... for no reason.

"Why do you have an extra ticket!?" She asked surprisingly as Mira said "The publisher of Sorcerer Weekly... kinda, maybe, sorta saw you on one of your quest and realized you're from Fairytail so she asked me to get you there." Aqua then realized it.

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