Mt. Hakobe

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Seeing everyone doing nothing but having fun brought confusion onto their faces as they looked at Mira who looked at them confused wondering what was wrong.

"Is something wrong?" She asked.

"There's... no initiation?" Asked Xion

"Oh goodness no, why would you think that?" She said surprised that they thought that, they all looked around before Aqua said "Nevermind." They then made their way to an empty table.

"This place is so cool." Said Ven looking at all the people being merry.

"It is pretty exciting... aside from the constant stare I keep getting." Said Terra still feeling Cana's gaze on him, he looked back to see that she lifted her drink to him with a wink.

He shivered a little feeling uncomfortable as he turned back and Lea chuckled "Looks like someone has an admirer." Terra growled at him in frustration which made everyone laugh.

Roxas then spoke up saying "I think we need to address something before we go any further with knowing anyone here." They all looked at him as he continued to talk "I think we just need to acknowledge the elephant in the room, we are on another world in an entirely different demension from our own."

Understanding where he was going with this, they listened carefully...

"Which mean that these people have no knowledge on a Keyblade, heartless, Nobody, unversed, or even Kingdom Hearts. Not to mention the darkness you three control." Terra, Aqua, and Ventus frowned at that statement but shook away their distress.

Things were different now, and now they can control darkness at will. "Then, there's the Twilight me, Xion, and Lea controls. What I'm asking is... should they find our abilities too out of this world, should we just come clean? We're going to have to use our Keyblades sooner or later and they are definitely going to want to know what it is and why no one else has it but us."

"He has a good point." Said Xion "So what should we do?"

Aqua thought about what the Nobody said and began to think over the pros and cons of their joined decision. "On one hand, we can gain their trust by being open with them but on another, if they find out, they might lose trust in us since we were lying to them... hmmm."

These were two big leaps of faith for them they just became part of the guild but they didn't want to start things off by being dishonest. "I think that if it comes up, then we come clean."

Everyone looked at Ven surprised that he even suggested that as he continued "I think that when it comes to our abilities and the history of the Keyblades we could tell them the truth but I don't think we should tell them that we're from another universe, that sounds way too bizzare."

"I don't think you're thinking of the entire situation here, Ven." Said Terra "If we tell them about the Keyblades, they're going to want to know of it's origin and that will lead to the conversation of Kingdom Hearts and we don't need another Xehanort trying to recreate it here."

"Then, just like Xion said, we'll give them the bare minimum. We don't necessarily have to include Kingdom Hearts into it." Ven said. "He does have a point, besides, this place is already crazy, what's so baffling about key looking weapons?" Said Lea leaning in his chair.

"That is true... what do you think, Aqua? You are the master here." Asked Xion.

She began to think more intensely for a minute before saying "Alright, we'll go along with Ven's plan."

Suddenly, Natsu fell onto their table, destroying it in the process before getting up and yelling out "I'LL MAKE YOU REGRET THAT ICE PRINCESS!!!!" Gray then butted head with Natsu and said "GO AHEAD AND MAKE MY DAY!!!!!" They both growled at one another until they both noticed the six new member of Fairytail.

The Ancient Lights.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin