Phantomhive Manor

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You were one of the very few people that got to stay at Phantomhive mansion, as payment for letting you stay there, you worked as a servant for him, although you had your own room too. One day Sebastian was busy and asked you to take Ciel his tea. You did as Sebastian said, carrying the tea tray gracefully and knocking gingerly on his office door.

After a while you heard a familiar voice "Come in,"

As you came in you saw Ciel was also busy, so you took the tray to his desk, blushing when he looked up at you. Ciel didn't know it, but you had a huge crush on him!

"U-um, Sebastien asked m-me to bring this to y-you..." Your legs were shaking so much, your heart was racing!

You were about to turn around to leave but before you had the chance you saw a spider on the inside of Ciel's window! You hated spiders! It was a big one too.

"C-ciel..." You were in so much fear your eyes started welling up with tears.

"What are you crying about?" Ciel asked, annoyed.

"There's a s-spider! O-on your window!" By this point, tears were streaming down your face.

"There's no need to act like this over a petit little spider is there?" Ciel stood up and turned around to see what you were blubbering about.

When he saw what was on the window he jumped back in horror and shock, he ran out into the hall way, grabbing your arm as he went. You blushed and you both fell out into the hallway.

"Sebastian come quick!" You heard Ciel shout, you couldn't see anything, your eyes were too tightly shut, and your arm clung to Ciel's own.

"(y/n)? Are you alright?" Ciel asked, blushing quite a bit. "Y-you can let go now..." You opened one eye and let go as soon as you realised what you were doing.

"I-I'm so sorry!"

"It's alright..."

Ciel and Alois x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now