Trancy Mansion

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After a long week at Phantomhive manor, you had been invited to stay at Alois Trancy's house, he was confident, flamboyant and cute, after only a couple of days he already started dropping obvious hints that he liked you!

You were out for a walk in the snow one day, going to the markets to do some shopping and he had taken a strand of your (h/c) hair and said it was beautiful. He also had a tendency to stare at you whenever you spoke to him.

"Uhm is something wrong?" You blushed as he gazed into your (e/c) eyes.

"No it's're just so beautiful (y/n)" he smiled as he watched you blush even more. He knew you liked him.

'If only Ciel was like this' you thought, staring at the ground, as the blonde boy still stared at you.

He cupped your face in his gloved hands.

"Don't look so glum (y/n)! Show me your amazing smile!" He gave a big grin, causing you to giggle and smile too.

Just a moment after that, you saw a large dog coming your way, you hated dogs too. Spiders and dogs were your worst fears!

Alois was about to skip over and pet the dog but you wrapped your arms around his waist and buried your face in his shoulder.

Alois didn't realise what was happening until the dog came closer, you clung to him even tighter and he heard your distressed sobs.

"Oh!" He turned around and took you into a warm embrace. "Don't worry I'll keep you safe,"

We stood there for a moment, blushing and hugging.

"I'm sorry..." You whispered.

"It's alright, don't apologise!" Alois giggled, "You look cute when you're scared," he looked up, checking for the dog.

"It's gone now, come on let's carry on shall we?" He smiled, taking your hand and skipping along the path happily.

Ciel and Alois x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now