Party planning

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It was late at night in Trancy Manor, Alois was up later than usual. You were sleeping soundly in the bad he'd provided for you.

Claude was having a discussion with the young Earl Trancy.

"Set it up so she's in the middle of us, I know this is going to completely piss him off!" Alois smiled his deviously charming smile, he loved you dearly of course, and that made him happy that he knew it would annoy Ciel. Hovever, he didn't know you were also in love with Ciel.

Alois had a plan to invite Sebastian and Ciel to a 'dance' where Sebastian and Claude would fight to see who gets Ciel's soul.

"If I win, I get Ciel and (y/n)!" Alois squealed with delight.

Sighing he got up out of his chair. He looked at the clock.

"Looks like I should get to bed,"

Claude followed him up the stairs, he took a quick look in your room to check on you before he went to sleep. Alois loved how your long eyelashes rested on your cheeks ad how your (h/c) hair was spread out like a mane on your pillow.

He walked up to the sleeping you silently, leaned down, and kissed you on the forehead. This way you wouldn't know about his secret admiration for you.

You didn't know it, but Ciel would also do the same thing. The two boys with a hatred had a lot more in common than they thought.

As Alois left the room he blew out the candles in the hallway an bid you a silent goodnight, bowing his head and closing the door softly.


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