Chapter 1

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It's a normal day at the Avenger Compound with people milling about, that is until the sirens start blaring, signaling an intruder. The team rushes outside, weapons drawn, expecting to find an enemy, but are instead met with a young woman, various cuts adorning her body. "Y/N!" Natasha exclaims, running forward to catch the girl as she falls to the ground.

It had been three hours since the newcomer had appeared. She had been taken straight to the med bay where Bruce and doctor Cho worked tirelessly to stop the blood flow and try to heal her growing list of injuries. They had finally succeeded in stabilizing her and had gone to tell the team.

"Okay, now that we know she's going to make it, I think we deserve some answers, don't you think so Romanoff?" Tony says with his arms crossed in front of his chest.

With a sigh, Nat sits down on the couch in the common room before speaking. "Y/N is Clint's younger sister. For the past five years, she's been living in SoHo as a writer. She also happens to be Enhanced, but she doesn't like to use her powers, which is why she never joined Shield or any other agency. She's always just wanted to be a regular person, if she's here, it means that someone found out about what she can do, which puts her in a lot of danger."

"So how did she get here without any of the scanners picking her up until she was only a few yards away from the building?" Tony asks, clearly perplexed.

"That is her secret to tell," the redhead says simply.

"I have a question," Thor says from where he is leaning against the windows," If she is Barton's sister, why come here? Surely she must know about his farm, why not go there instead?"

"Maybe she didn't know he's there at the moment?" Sam offers.

Before anyone can ask any more questions Friday's voice rings out, "Boss, you asked to be notified when Miss Barton woke up."

"Thank you, Friday," Tony says as he pushes away from the bar and starts walking in the direction of the elevator. "Well gang, let's go find out what answers Sleeping Beauty has for us."


When I woke up I didn't know where I was. After forcing my eyes open amid the harsh glare of the overhead fluorescent lights, I manage to take in my surroundings. It looks as if I'm in some high-end, ridiculously expensive hospital with all the machinery around me, the constant beeping of the heart monitor reassuringly steady. I'm completely alone. The last thing I remember is seeing Nat and a bunch of other people before I blacked out, the jump having taken the last of my available energy to get me to safety.

Clint is going to kill me for not calling him the moment I felt someone following me, but it's not exactly like I had the time to get my phone out of my bag before I got dragged into an alley. 

Normally I'm pretty observant and can hold my own in a fight, but these guys weren't just regular thugs, they had weapons and armor that made Tony Stark's Iron Man suit look like a kid's costume at the end of year play.

The sound of doors wooshing open draws me out of my reverie as I look up to see the people that made up Earth's Mightiest Heroes striding into the room with Natasha at the front.

"Sestra," I say, smiling because even if the circumstances weren't ideal, it was still so good to see the woman who was as close to me as a sister.

"Malen'kaya sestra, how are you feeling?" Nat says as she perches on the edge of my bed.

"Like the time we rode the Tower of Terror 5 times in a row," I try for a joking tone but it falls flat at the unimpressed look Nat gives me.

"Now that we've established that Baby Bird has a sense of humor, mind telling us how you managed to get so close to the compound without triggering Friday?" Tony pipes up

"Easy, I jumped," I shrug nonchalantly, the tug of the stitches ruins the effect when I wince.

"You jumped," Tony says incredulously.

"Boss, agent Barton just landed and is on his way to the med bay," Friday says.

"Oh boy, this is gonna be fun," I mutter under my breath.

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