Chapter 10

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"WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU DON'T KNOW WHERE SHE WENT?!" Bucky was pacing up and down the conference room like a caged animal, constantly running his hands through his hair and pulling at it in frustration. After he and Steve had woken up from the gas attack they had found y/n missing, as if she had never been with them in the first place. They had swept every square inch of the base but came up empty-handed.

The only people who were taking this harder than Bucky were Clint and Natasha, who both sat with their heads in their hands, quietly berating themselves while Bucky went off on Tony who had just given them the bad news.

Before Tony could retort Friday cut in, "Boss, mister Ryder wishes to speak with agent Barton and Sergeant Barnes, he says it's about miss Barton."

"Thank you, Friday. Does anyone want to wager a guess on why our guest is suddenly so talkative?" Tony asks as he leans back in his seat.

"It's probably something to do with Remmy and where he's holding my sister. Come on Barnes, let's go hear what that son of a bitch has to say for himself," Clint says as he rises from his seat and marches from the room with Bucky right on his heels.


"Alright, I am going to give you one more chance to tell me where my sister is and then I am going to leave and get my good friend Natasha to talk to you, and trust me, she's not going to be nearly as nice as we are," Bucky and Clint smile cheerfully at the thought of what Natasha would do to the man currently tied to a chair and sporting a broken nose, two black eyes, and a myriad of cuts and bruises.

"Fine! You win! I don't know the exact location but I can tell you the clue that I was given to find it. In the empire of the dead, you need only look for the blood skull near the bridge of love to find the race of the living. That's all I know, I swear!" Chase pleads, thrashing violently in his bonds.

"If you're lying to us," Bucky hisses, putting his face close to Chase's, "I'm going to come back in here, and I'm going to make you wish you had died in that explosion." With that final threat, both he and Clint leave. Once back in the elevator, he turns to Clint. "I think I know where she is."

"And if you're right? Where are we going?" Clint asks anxiously.

"Then we're going to Paris."


I had no idea how long I've been here, so far I've managed to survive three races. After each race armed guards escort me back to my cell; a cold, damp room that smells of rotting water with a thin mattress with the springs sticking into my back and a single thin, ragged blanket for warmth. I curl up on the bed despite its discomfort and try to get some sleep as I listen to the sounds of the people in the cells around me, their screams of agony and torture. I don't make a peep, I refuse to give them the satisfaction.

I had just started to nod off when the door to my cell opens and Remmy walks in, smiling pleasantly. "Hello, my dear. I hope you like your accommodations, I hand-selected every item."

I merely glare up at him, not feeling like giving him any more joy from my current situation than he was already getting.

"As lovely as you look right now, I'm afraid you are not properly dressed for your appointment with the doctor," he tuts disapprovingly as his eyes slowly raked across my body clad in a light tank top and shorts, his gaze making my skin crawl and bile rise in my throat. He turns to the female guard posted at the door and addresses her, "Charlotte, my dear, would you please prep her and take her to the doctor's lab?" then sweeps from the room.

Charlotte steps into the room and yanks me roughly to my feet. "Come on you!" she sneers as she drags me from the room. After being stripped down, blasted with a power washer, and tossed a sports bra and boyshorts, she escorts me down labyrinthine hallways to what looks like a sci-fi movie torture chamber on steroids. I'm pushed down onto the cold table and secured into the restraints.

Moments later a scrawny, bald man in a lab coat walks into the room. "Hello miss Barton. I am Doctor Schleipp. I am sure by now you must be wondering why that parlor trick of yours does not work? Well to put it simply my dear, when you were first brought to me, I inserted a chip that would render you unable to use your enhancement. Now, today we will be conducting a series of experiments so I suggest you relax and settle in, it is going to be a very long day."

He has just reached my side when the lights start flashing red, a siren starts going off along with a metallic female voice announcing; "Intruder alert. Intruder alert."

I let a delighted grin take over my features. "I'd start running if I were you, doc because once my friends get here you're a dead man."

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