Chapter 5

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It's late at night, or maybe early morning. We got in a few hours ago. After booking both Anton and Chase into their respective cells for the foreseeable future, I changed into leggings and an oversized sweater before making my way up to the roof. I'm curled up on one of the big lounge chairs, looking up at the stars and imagining myself a thousand miles away from here.

I don't want to go to sleep yet. I know what I'll see when I do and I can't handle it right now. I'm brought out of my reverie by a mug sliding into my line of sight. I look up to see a gently smiling Bucky looking down at me. "I thought you might like some hot chocolate?" he asks softly.

"Thanks," I give him a small smile as I take the outstretched mug. Blowing gently to cool the warm liquid before taking a sip I let my eyes slip shut as I hum in appreciation. Opening my eyes I find that Bucky has taken the seat next to me. "This is really good, thank you," I tell him sincerely.

"You're very welcome. It was my ma's recipe," Bucky says, an adorable blush coating his high cheekbones. After a moment of comfortable silence, Bucky clears his throat and speaks hesitantly, "So the guy, Chase, what's his story?"

"Chase is, or at least he used to be, an old friend of mine. About seven years ago I was living in Brazil and we met at a local hangout. We became best friends, but I always got the idea he wanted more. Any way Clint and Nat had a mission in Brazil, they asked me to help them, Chase came along since he knew the area we would be going to. It was an ambush, they were waiting for us. He got caught in the crosshairs. The last I saw of him was when he pushed me out of the second story window just before the building went up in flames. I've blamed myself every single day since..." my voice trails off as I wipe the tears from my eyes. Bucky puts a comforting hand on my shoulder.

"I'm so sorry y/n. I'm sorry that you had to go through that," he says softly as he runs his fingers through my hair.

"I don't know what happened to him after that day, but I know that the Chase I knew is long gone. Maybe he never even existed," I shrug, taking another sip from my mug.

"Whether he's gone or not, you still have family and friends here who care. We'll stand by you. I'll even go in with you to talk to him if that's what you decide to do, okay?" Bucky says, gently pulling me over to his seat and tucking me into his side.

"Thank you, Bucky. You're a really good friend, and an even better human being," I say, pecking his cheek before snuggling back down next to him.

We stay there until the sun starts to rise, then we go back down and he walks me back to my room, giving me a tight bear hug before departing for his own door. I think Bucky and I could be very good friends...

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