Chapter 6

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It is almost completely silent in the concrete halls under Avengers Tower. The only sounds are the incessant buzz of the overhead lights and the clicking of my heels against the tiles. At the end of the corridor is a row of large cells with a floor to ceiling glass window and heavy iron door that can only be opened from the outside with a small slot near the floor to push trays of food through three times a day.

Two of the cells are lit and occupied. However, my focus is solely on the one on the right. Sitting quietly at the small table, just finishing lunch, is Chase. At the sound of my approach Chase looks up, his face is a collage of bruises from Clint's interrogation. Despite his face being swollen like a watermelon, Chase smiles merrily at me, his eyes devoid of life. "I knew you would come to visit me sooner or later, y/n, you never could stay away," Chase says, sounding almost cheerful.

"Don't flatter yourself asshole, I'm just here for the tray," I hiss, straightening my already ramrod straight back and walking over to the door.

Chase pushes the tray through without a word. It is as I move back down the hall that he calls out to me, "I always knew you were a lying bitch, I just never thought you would be desperate enough to get into bed with a murderer!"

I stop in my tracks and slowly turn to face him, confusion and anger written plainly across my face. "What the hell are you talking about Chase?"

"I knew when we met what your real name was, but I pretended to believe the name you gave me. After that, I pretended to believe every bullshit excuse you gave me whenever you went off on missions with your spy friends. I also saw the way you and Barnes looked at each other when you captured me. Tell me, how does it feel to let the man who killed so many innocent people pound you into the mattress?" Chase sneers as my hands curl into fists.

"You're lucky that this wall is between us," I snarl before turning back around and walking away.

"You know you can never escape the race, y/n! Sooner or later he will find you and make you wish you had never been born!" Chase shrieks as I ignore him, stepping into the lift and pressing the button for the common room.

Once the doors have slid shut I take a deep breath. "Friday, please run a search for Remmy Vasquez, and locate my brother."

"Running the search now miss. Mister Barton is in the lounge along with miss Romanoff, Sergeant Barnes, Captain Rogers, and Mister Wilson," Friday replies a moment later.

"Thank you, Friday," I call as the doors to the common room slide open. I drop the tray in the kitchen before going into the lounge. Clint, Nat, Bucky, Steve, and Sam are all lounging on the couches watching a movie. Bucky looks up and smiles as I enter. When he registers my expression he springs to his feet and walks over.

"What's wrong, doll?" Bucky asks softly as he lays his hands on my arms, rubbing soothing circles through the fabric. He leads me over to an empty chair and sits down with me. By now the others have also noticed that there's something wrong.

"Y/N?" Clint asks firmly, breaking me from my reverie. I look up to see everyone wearing concerned expressions.

I look into Nat's eyes as I speak, avoiding my brother's gaze. "Krysa zhivet. On idet za mnoy."

"YA ub'yu yego, poka on ne kosnulsya tvoyey golovy!" Nat hisses, her eyes scanning the room as if looking for an intruder. Beside me Bucky has gone as still as a statue, his breathing coming in short, shallow bursts.

"Buck? What's wrong?" Steve asks, noticing his friend's panic.

"I-I know that name. It's one I hoped I would never hear again," Bucky explains.

Before I can ask how Bucky knows about The Rat sirens go off and Friday announces that the tower is under attack. Everyone scrambles for weapons and tac gear. I guess this conversation will just have to wait.


Krysa zhivet. On idet za mnoy (The rat lives. He is following me)
YA ub'yu yego, poka on ne kosnulsya tvoyey golovy (I will kill him before he touches your head)

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