Chapter 4

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I turn around slowly, coming face to face with the face of the man I had thought dead. "Chase..." I whisper, not yet able to believe my eyes as I take in the man in front of me. I remember Chase as a smiling ray of sunshine with short black hair, an easygoing smile, and warm brown eyes. 

The man in front of me still has short black hair, but there are dark blue highlights interspersed with the onyx strands, his mouth is pulled into a cruel smirk, and there is none of the warmth he once regarded me with in his eyes, only frigid calculations.

"Hello, Alexandria, or should I call you y/n?" Chase says pleasantly, but there is no emotion in his voice, only a cold detachment. "I would say that it is lovely to see you again, but that would be a lie. Now, I'm going to have to ask you to drop my friend over there and surrender."

"Not gonna happen," Bucky says from beside me. The sound of his voice brings me out of the haze of shock, my senses rushing back all at once and I take a step forward, angling my body so that I am between the two men.

"Bucky, get him out of here, I'll be right behind you," I say without taking my eyes off of Chase. I can hear that he wants to protest but I merely gesture for him to go before addressing Chase. "If you want to get to him, you'll have to go through me."

"Very well then," Chase shrugs, pulling a knife with a red blade from the inside of his coat before advancing towards me.

"I see you're still using Achilles," I note aloud as I let the twin blades I had hidden in my bracelets slide into my hands, the polished steel almost glowing in the artificial light.

"And you still favor Zeus and Poseidon, how quaint. I would have thought you would have thrown them away, as you did me," Chase purrs, advancing slowly as if he had all the time in the world.

"I thought you were dead! I didn't have any other choice!" I defend myself as I keep the knives raised in front of me, ready to strike.

"You could have gone back for me!" Chase screams in anger as he rushes at me, knife raised.

I block his attack and swiftly parry. The next minute is a flurry of knives ringing out together as we each block, parry, and trade would-be fatal blows. Finally, I manage to flick his knife away from his hand with my own blades. Trading my knives for fists, we continue running at one another until he accidentally turns his back on me. I take my chance and tackle him to the ground, pinning his hands behind his back and cutting off his airways with my legs. I only let go once he goes completely limp in my grip. Even then I am quick to slap a pair of cuffs on him in case it's only a ruse.

As I rise to my feet I'm breathing hard. I look over to the door to find Bucky still standing there, although he must have already deposited Anton into the van because the other man is nowhere in sight. "You okay?" Bucky asks as he approaches with my knives held out.

"Yeah, let's get out of here," I say between gulping in lungfuls of air. Bucky hauls Chase up and starts walking with him to the door. As I follow him I pick up Achilles and slip it into the open holster spot on my thigh before slipping out of the door and closing it with a low click.

The ride back to the tower is silent and filled with tension. Both Anton and Chase are still out cold, lucky bastards. Nat and I are still reeling from finding out that Chase is still alive. Steve and Bucky clearly have a very long list of questions, but seem to sense that they aren't going to get any answers right now, so they content themselves with staring out of the front windshield as Steve winds the van through the mostly empty New York streets. There would be a time for asking questions, but tonight wasn't that time.

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