Chapter 11

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Despite my warning, the doctor just ignores me and starts rummaging around in one of the metal cabinets that line the walls. He produces an extra-large syringe full of glittering black liquid and an extra-large needle. It would have looked comical if it weren't for the sinister gleam in his eyes as he approaches me. Gentleness isn't this guys' forte because he jabs the needle almost viciously into my thigh. Regardless of my resolve not to give a reaction, the pain of being stabbed must have broken my brain-to-mouth filter as several highly colorful expletives pour from my mouth.

Just as he is about to press down on the plunger that would push the liquid into my veins, there is a bang as the doors burst open and a dull thud as an arrow embeds itself into the doctor's forehead. I whip my head to the side to see Clint holding his bow and a look of anger on his face that would make even Thor quiver in his boots. "Get away from my sister!"

After a quick scan of the room to make sure no one else is in the room, Clint drops his bow and jogs over to me. He removes the needle from my leg, careful to avoid the plunger, and tosses it aside. His eyes quickly scan and assess my visible injuries. "You just can't seem to stay out of trouble, can you? This is why I should put a leash on you. Unbelievable..." he grins at me, trying and failing to mask his terror and relief.

"Just get me out of these restraints already so I can kick your ass for taking so damn long birdbrain!" I huff playfully and roll my eyes. Trust my brother to make me want to hug and slap him at the same time.

He presses a button on the comm device in his ear. "I've got y/n, but she's stuck in metal cuffs and I can't see any way to get her out. Can one of you come help?" Clint had barely finished speaking when Bucky came barrelling into the room, rifle slung over his back and a murderous look in his eyes which vanished when I gave him a soft smile.

"Hey, there soldier, you here to bust me out?" I bat my eyes flirtatiously as he strides across the room, taking hold of the cuffs one at a time and ripping them off like I would rip up paper.

Once I'm freed, he gently pulls me into his chest, arms wrapped securely around me. "Thank heavens you're okay. I would never be able to live with myself if something happened to you..." he whispers into my ear before pulling away just enough to look into my eyes, "Don't ever scare me like that again." And then his lips are on mine in a firm kiss and I can almost feel his fear and relief pouring into every touch. I try my best to reciprocate with calm and reassurance as I wind my arms around his neck to pull him closer.

The moment is broken by the sound of my brother clearing his throat. "Alright lovebirds, just because I'm okay with this doesn't mean you get to rub it in my face the whole time." I can only laugh and smile at the men in front of me. Bucky gently helps me to my feet, but my legs start to give out underneath me so instead, he opts for letting me climb onto his back so that his hands are free as we make our way out of the facility.

The whole place is swarming with shield agents apprehending the rat's henchmen and tending to the people who were kept, prisoner. There are places where there are large holes in the ceiling and walls. Clint notices my brows furrowing in confusion. "Hulk was very concerned about you and not very happy with the bad guys who took his new friend," he grins and winks at me.

Soon we're on the quinjet with the rest of the team and on our way home. I'm wrapped in a blanket and cuddled close to Bucky's side with his arm wrapped securely around me as I close my eyes and begin to drift off, sleepy and content to be surrounded by my family.

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