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"These ones are only ₩ 150"

The pretty boy smiles, showing the women in front of him the many fake jewlerry pieces. He knew just as much as anyone else they didn't really want it- but to talk to him they would buy it. And as his families main source of income he had to provide...or something bad would happen.

"And this one?"

One of the women smile as they point to another, which was starting to irritate Baekhyun, as he had already shown her that one three times. He winces slightly, his arm over his stomach as he moves over to it to tell her.

"₩ 230"

He says, holding back a sigh.

"I'll take this one~"

She smiles holding out the money, Baekhyun smiles wider in relief- fearing he might actually be stuck showing the women the same ones forever.

"Ahh thank you very much~"

He says in a sweet tone as he hands it to her, taking the money.

"I'll see you tomorrow Baekhyunnie-oppa"

He cringes slightly at the nickname but keeps his smile as he bows his head a little.

"I look forward to it~"

She smiles, clearly satisfied with her answer as she walks away, the other women not buying anything as they follow after her, their voices very clear as they rant on about how handsome he is, how cute they'd look together and how lucky she is. In all honesty Baekhyun couldn't even remember her name- but if he told her that she'd surely never come back- and she was one of the only women who actually bought something when they came by. Baekhyun sighs quietly as he counts through the money he'd earned.

₩ 550

He frowns slightly, knowing it's not enough to return home with.

Maybe someone else will buy- someone who really REALLY wants cheap jewlerry...

He thinks hopefully as he looks around for another buyer, not seeing a single person even glancing over, most people inside by now thanks to the curfew.


He sighs quietly as he starts to pack away his things, a small frown on his usually bright face. It was already dark as he began his long walk home, his feet already aching from standing all day and the walk back always seeming worse to him. He is careful to walk in silence and stay in the shadowed part of the road, knowing that if the money was stolen he would be forced to work even harder to re-earn it, despite how hard he already works. He already knows the money he's earned from the day is barely enough money for a simple loaf of bread, but he can't MAKE people want something if they don't. He tries his very hardest to persuade them but it just never seems to work for him.

Maybe I'm just not cut out for this kind of stuff...

He thinks sadly, staring down at his feet as he walks.

Maybe tomorrow I'll make more!

He thinks hopefully.

Maybe I'll make less...

He sighs quietly and starts to walk faster, feeling just about ready to collapse as he realises he isn't even half way there yet, his arm once again placed over his stomach.

"Just a little longer Baekhyun."

He whispers to himself reassuringly as the rain starts to fall.

"A tiny bit longer."

He whispers again, pushing forward to get home anyway. The whole walk reassuring himself that tomorrow will be better- even if today isn't over yet.

Fallen // ChanbaekWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt