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Chanyeol scowls slightly at the woman in front of him. Finding Yun-Hwa's constant proposition irritating and unrealistic.

"Why on earth would I allow YOU of all people to become my queen?"

He scoffs, amused. She looks at him, at a loss for words for a moment before she quickly regains her posture with a smile.

"Because I am already of royal blood and-"

He is quick to cut her off.

"And you'd betray me in the first day love~"

She grits her slightly in anger and embarrassment, half of the servants watching the scene curiously.

"Get out of my room Yun-Hwa"

He orders coldly.

"But oppa I'm-"

He once again cuts her off.

"Leaving now? That would be marvellous"

He smiles fakely as he gestures for one of the servants to open the door, she does and Yun-Hwa gets to her feet.

"And you wonder why everyone hates you."

She mutters angrily as she storms out of the room.

"Aish, how could anyone put up with her until death?"

He asks in disbelief.

"I'd force death to come quicker"

He adds, shaking his head slightly as some of the servants holds back laughs- even though he wasn't joking. He returns to his earlier task of reading in silence. He rolls his eyes with a scowl as he hears a knock at the door.

"Who is it?"

He asks, clearly annoyed that he can't get a moment of peace in his own room.

"Your favourite brother"

Sehun decides as he opens the door, peeking inside.

"Your not Jongdae?"

He frowns in a serious tone.

"And you're ugly- looks like we both have problems"

He huffs as he enters the room, sitting down in front of his older brother.

"What is it?"

Chanyeol sighs, rubbing his temples.

"We have to go to the town again."

Sehun huffs, sounding less than pleased about the matter.

"Why this time?"

Chanyeol asks, a slight scowl on his lips.

"To show support with mother, something about buying things from the people to help them or something"

He shrugs without a care.


Chanyeol asks.


Chanyeol groans at his answer.

"Then get out so I can sleep!"

He orders.

"We should sleep together- could protect each other from the baby witch"

Sehun chuckles, referring to- of course- Yun-Hwa.

"I have guards for that"

Chanyeol sighs, slowly standing up. Sehun pouts slightly before standing up too.

"Have fun you bore"

He bids as he walks to the door.

"Just because I don't sneak out at night and risk assassination doesn't make me a bore"

Chanyeol shoots as he starts to change.

"Yes it does."

Sehun scoffs.

"Have fun with death"

Chanyeol mumbles.

"I will"

Sehun winks before leaving, one of the servants closing the door behind him.

"Shall we leave no your majesty?"

One of the servants bows, clearly hesitant to speak without permission. Chanyeol nods, not caring.

"Thank you your majesty"

She nods as the servants walk to the door, exiting one by one before once again closing the door. Chanyeol sighs quietly as he lays down on his bed, staring up at the ceiling silently.

It'll only be for a short while Chanyeol.

He reminds himself as he closes his eyes.

Just a little while.

Fallen // ChanbaekWhere stories live. Discover now