George and Paul

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George Harrison only had one friend. His neighbor Paul, a boy just a year older than him but acted like it was fifteen years. But it was cool, better one than none. After George was put up a year in school because of his quick abilities in the classroom, he was left out. It was only primary school but he was still a misfit and people decided against talking to him. That was until Paul McCartney moved next door and the two began walking to school together. George refrained from telling Paul about their age gap, but Paul inevitably found out one day. George, being the timid kid he was, panicked and refused to talk to him, in fear of being rejected. One day Paul confronted him and announced that they were best friends, and nothing was going to tear them apart.

And it was true. The two boys were now in high school, their second last year, and were still best friends. They still lived next door to each other and they rode their bikes to school everyday. And, they were still the two misfits who only had each other.

George rolled his tired eyes as the bell rung and everyone begun to leave the school, heading home for the day. Paul came out of nowhere from behind him, getting him in a headlock. "Oi, quit it!" pushed George, forcing Paul to laugh. He let go of his young friend and smiled. "We going to practice or what? Come on than." Paul said enthusiastically, walking ahead of his friend.

George was slightly taller and thinner than Paul, which in his opinion wasn't a good thing. It made him feel like an awkward dork. He knew Paul was ideal looking for a teen boy, girls noticed this too and managed to get crushes on him every now and again. If he hung out with more popular people he'd have girlfriends left and right, and if he didn't reject every girl who asked him out. George always asked why he did this and Paul always put on a girly smile and replied "I wouldn't have time for you" sarcastically. George would get the real answer out of him one day.

Even if Paul wanted to be popular he probably couldn't. Girls liked him but guys didn't. They thought he looked a little too feminine for their liking and was always a target when it came to bullying. In truth they were just jealous that nearly every girl had fancied him at some point. George hated to say it, but he was a little jealous too. Birds came and tried to be his friend in an attempt to get closer to Paul, but sometimes George would fall for them. It had happened three times now and he was a little sick of it. He hated being so thin and lanky and awkward. But when it was just him and Paul he would forget about all those things and just enjoy himself. He and Paul really were best friends.

The two boys walked into the music room and captured their guitars, only to have their teacher Mr. Espein come in a few seconds later. "Ok boys, I can't stay more than two hours today." he announced casually sitting behind his desk. Paul pulled his signature smile. "It's ok sir, George has got work in an hour anyway." he announced, tuning his guitar. "Oh, I do don't I..." sighed George, rubbing his temples. He really wanted to stay and practice today. "Yeah mate, gotta save up for our own guitars remember." Paul laughed, punching him in the shoulder. "That would be ideal. Save you from coming in here everyday to borrow the schools." Mr. Espein said quietly, pulling out some papers to mark.

George and Paul practiced Elvis' Jailhouse Rock for an hour before George had to pack up and go. Not too long ago he'd been hired to work at a local diner on the night shift, just to get some extra cash for a new guitar. He had broken his old one around two months ago, and borrowing the schools ones got tiring after a while. Paul was working as a babysitter, which seemed to suit him well. Paul hadn't owned a guitar previously because he'd just borrow George's. But he figured he'd man up and get his own since George was working so hard to get his own.

George walked into work and started washing dishes, serving tables and taking orders. After four hours the diner closed (it was a week day) and George begun cleaning. As he was mopping the floor a small group of older boys walked into the diner, startling him. One boy, rather tall and blond, approached him with confidence. "You know where Mrs. Frost might be, son?" he asked George. George just froze and stared at him in surprise. "I-I thought I locked that door..." George stuttered quitely, gripping his mop. The guy smirked, and revealed in his hand he had a key to the building. "Yeah, you did. I had to unlock it again." he teased.

"Rory!" called George's manager, Mrs. Frost as she walked by him and up to the confident blonde. "Glad you could make it. George, this is Rory Storm. And his band Rory Storm and the hurricanes." she introduced. Wow, thought George, and actual band. He'd always wanted to be in a band, but he thought he and Paul doing Elvis covers didn't count. But wait, what was a band doing here?

"Rory and his band are going to start performing here in the room downstairs. Just on nights when people book live music. But we are going to go for a test run now, check everything is alright." Explained Mrs. Frost kindly. She turned back to Rory and they conversed whilst she showed him to the downstairs. Each member of the band walked by him and George stared at them in curiosity. A real band. Wow.

But as the last member walked by him, a guy shorter than the rest with an odd sense of style, having so many rings on his fingers that George couldn't count, flashed a smile at him. For some reason George's heart stopped, and he couldn't take his eyes of the guy until he was out of the room. What was that? George asked himself, clutching his heart. What on EARTH was that.

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