Ringo and John

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George for once didn't over think and just followed Rory Storm and the hurricanes downstairs on instinct. He watched as they set up in the corner of the room, eyes glued to the short guy with a rising feeling in his stomach. His manager noticed him standing by the door and called. "Your shifts over Harrison." "I-I want to w-watch..." he replied, to which she just nodded an approval. The band was quickly ready, and they begun full speed playing a rock n roll tune.

But for George, time seemed to slow down. The boy who he had been watching was the drummer. And he was amazing. He moved in slow motion as George watched in awe, his heart beating just as loud as the drums. This was the first time he'd seen a band live, and he knew it would be the best band he'd see. Because of the beautiful drummer boy. Wait, did he really just say that? Beautiful? Did he just call a guy beautiful?

After their song finished, Rory looked to George with a smile. "Enjoy the free show, son?" he called out from across the room. George shyly nodded. Rory turned back to his band mates. "I thought we were ok, but c'mon Ringo ya gotta stop showing off and slow down a bit, yeah?" He joked. "Ringo..." George whispered.

George got home later than usual and went straight to bed. Now that he was alone in bed he allowed himself to over think. Damn, that Ringo. Fuck. George wasn't gay, was he? He'd never had a girlfriend, but he did want one. But maybe he just liked the idea of not being alone? It's not like he liked girls because they were girls, just because they were the only option. Fuck. He rolled over to his side. All Ringo had done was bloody smile at him. He hadn't even heard the man speak. Yet here he was all head over heels for the mysteriously kind seeming guy. Shit. George buried his head into his pillow. He was going to have a hard time hiding this from Paul, but there's no way he could tell him.

The next day he went through his usual morning routine, and eventually began to slowly ride to school with Paul. "How was work?" He asked casually. George took a deep breath, wondering how much he should actually share with his mate. "Good. We just opened the downstairs room for a band to play live music." he explained, trying to sound casual. Paul's face lit up, and George wasn't actually too surprised since they were both big music fans. "Really? That's so cool! Do you know what the bands called?" he asked excitedly. "Um... Rory Storm and the hurricanes." Remembered George. Paul's face fell flat with disbelief and he stopped peddling, causing George to stop alongside him. "What?" asked George, a little concerned. "Rory Storm? George, Rory Storm hangs out with John Lennon." 

John Lennon was a nutrocious bandit in Liverpool. He was in his final year at the boy's school, one year above them, but barely ever showed up to classes. And whenever he did step foot into the school he would cause a fight or pull a nasty prank. He wore black jackets, had his hair in a quiff, smoked, hung out with gangs, had multiple women and was basically a well known trouble maker. Parents and elders hated him, and George and Paul were terrified of him. One day while they were laughing together, Paul's arm around George's shoulders, John walked by them in disgust. He flicked his cigarette butt into Paul's face and commented "I fuckin' hate fags." Ever since than other people started to bully them occasionally, calling them faggots. They dared not cross his path again.

"...That's odd, Rory didn't seem to be that rude to me. A little cocky but not rude. He even asked my opinion after I watched them play." recalled George. "Wait, really? You watched them PLAY? Rory SPOKE to you?" asked Paul. George just chuckled fondly and as they rode to school together and told him all about it. But that got George thinking, Rory, Ringo and the rest of the band did dress like John Lennon, and actually he could have sworn he'd seen one or two of the band members on the bad streets smoking at late at night. Maybe Ringo was like John. He slapped himself in the cheek, he NEEDED to stop thinking about him, he didn't know him! All he knew was his name! He probably was JUST like John, and hated gays and slept around. And George had just presumed the best of him because he had a little crush. Stop, he told himself one last time before heading to his next class.

On George's next shift he was incredibly surprised to find the bands equipment had already been set up downstairs. He turned to his co-worker as she was cleaning dishes. "Is Rory Storm and the hurricanes playing tonight?" he asked, not even bothering to hide his excitement from her. "Yes, I hate rock bands. We should have hired a jazz band instead." she mumbled grumpily. George couldn't help but feel his heart begin to race. He tried to hold in a smile. Shit, he was getting excited.

George's shift finished at five but the band still hadn't shown up. They must have been doing a late night show. George sighed in defeat, he really wanted to at least get a glimpse of Ringo again. He changed and just as he opened the door to leave Rory Storm was opening it to enter. Their faces met and Rory smirked.

"Running away? We weren't that bad last time, where we?" He asked sarcastically. George tried to talk but his breath ran away. Rory Storm really did have the teddy boy look. He probably was like John Lennon. Rory smiled and turned to someone behind him. "Ya gotta slow down or we'll lose fans, Ringo." He joked. George's heart leapt upon hearing the name. He froze and Rory had to nudge his shoulder. "Well, we'll be heading in now." He said. George nodded. "Right, sorry, of course." He whispered, moving aside. He had to stare at the ground because of his embarrassment. He watched as Rory's feet walked past him, and than Ringo's. He looked up for a split second to catch a glimpse of him, in dark shades and a hat. Ringo wasn't as much a teddy boy as Rory, he kind of had his own style. Hipster-teddy boy-rock. George smiled to himself.

As he was about to leave he by chance saw Paul walking across the street with his younger brother Mike. He suddenly thought of a bright idea to make an excuse to see the Ringo play again. "Oi!" he called, waving to the pair. Paul and Mike spotted him and crossed the street. "Rory Storm and the hurricanes are about to play." explained George. "Wait, really?" asked Paul, gripping George's arm. "Yeah, we could order some food and watch them, if you wanted." suggested George, pushing Paul's hand off. "Yeah, that sounds bloody great!" Paul smiled. Mike rolled his eyes in annoyance. "Paul, I want to go home!" He pleaded. "I'll buy your dinner too." "Ok!"

The three boys chose a nice table in the corner downstairs, where the band was getting ready. Paul and George exchanged looks of excitement and Paul almost squealed. As they waited for their food the band begun to play. George checked that Paul was totally engaged in the band, than turned to stare at Ringo. He wasn't playing as vibrantly as last time, but he looked just as cool. George watched him during the entire performance and didn't even notice they were having a 15 before Ringo stopped drumming. George quickly turned back to a happy looking Paul and a bored Mike.

"That was amazing!" said Paul, a little too loudly. George chuckled. "Yeah, they were pretty good." "But that drummer totally out shines those guys, don't you think?" George paused. Wait, did Paul somehow know that he liked Ringo and was having a go at him? He had a mini panic attack before Paul continued. "He should in more of a pop-rock group. Anyway, the lead guitarist was kinda lagging behind, did you notice? And..." George let out a sigh of relief. Paul was just analysing them. Phew.

After a while they were forced to walk home because Mike was too bored. "We should form a band, George!" begged Paul, fluttering his eyelashes. "Who would we even recruit? We don't know anyone." "Awww, c'mon George don't say that. We don't need anyone else." He explained, swinging an arm around him. George laughed and Mike turned to the two. "You'd be the shittest band ever." They all laughed together and continued their walk home, Paul continuously talking about how they could take on the world together. But George just couldn't stop thinking about Ringo.

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